The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 804 Training 7 Little Guys 8

Chapter 804 Training the Seven Little Guys 8
Frivolously came to Lan Zihan's body, without saying anything, quickly mobilized a wave of internal force with his hands in front of him and hit her straight.

Lan Zihan also picked up a strand of her insides, facing his little hand.

When the two palms met, the frivolous body was immediately sent flying.

Although Lan Zihan has internal strength, none of them are covered.

More than enough to deal with frivolity.

Not to mention being frivolous, even if you come to a master to compare your internal strength, I am afraid that you will not be Lan Zihan's opponent.

She doesn't know how to use internal force, but no one said that if you use internal force, she must also use internal force.

Immediately afterwards, the six figures and the six internal forces also hit Lan Zihan.

The corners of Lan Zihan's lips curled up slightly, and the long whip was aimed at several people, and under the golden light, faint sparks could be seen from the whip.

The six figures also flew upside down like I was frivolous, and landed straight on the ground.

At the same time that the figures of the six paths flew out, frivolousness had already made a comeback, confronting Lan Zihan again.

In mid-air, only the traces of the long whip waving, and the figures flying upside down, one after another, this one was blown out, and another one was added, the one was blown out, and another one was added, It goes on like this, without stopping.

The clothes on the seven little guys were no longer as neat and good-looking as before, but full of loopholes. Everyone had clothes torn by the long whip, but there was no blood.

For this point, Lan Zihan also has a sense of proportion.

She won't hurt them. Although she looks ruthless, she didn't use much force, just enough to repel them.

This is just the beginning, they are still young, so they have to come so tragically, they will not be able to support it.

Several people watching the battle explained that they watched this scene and did not speak.

The parents of the little ones are not here. If they saw this scene, they might not bear to watch it.

Although Shanghai has not suffered much, there are always skin injuries.

How could they really care about their children so much, they were only four years old after all.

Bi's son was still living a carefree childhood when he was four years old, and he was still very ignorant. How could he be so precocious like these seven little guys, and just go through this in such a short time.

Li Shang and Nangong Xueling sat directly under a bamboo and watched the battle without interfering, even if their daughter was here, there was no disturbance.

They know Qingyin and Qingxue very well, and nothing will happen. They trained before Shitian and the other three, and they already have some experience.

Nangong Xueling looked at the small figure that kept flying upside down, and sighed: "This perseverance is really good, it is more perseverance than I think you are."

She still remembered that she didn't take it so seriously when she was receiving training. If she had experienced such a situation, she probably would have left by now.

However, at that time, she was also used to being pampered by her father, so she didn't feel anything, but these seven little guys were different.

They can give them unlimited love, but they will be serious when they should be serious, and they will be serious when they should be serious, and they will not be partial.

Li Shang didn't think it was funny: "When you were so young, you probably weren't as smart as our baby." There was a hint of teasing in his tone, and the smile on his face was so obvious.

(End of this chapter)

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