The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 806 Training 7 Little Guys 10

Chapter 806 Training the Seven Little Guys 10
Since they are not ready to let go, so what if she lets go?The effect she wanted has been achieved, and what she wanted to see has already been seen.

The strength suddenly disappeared, and the seven little guys had no time to react. With a light hand, the seven figures fell straight to the ground.

"Bang" was like the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, and the seven little guys fell to the ground, making a loud noise.

Because the falling speed was too fast, none of them had time to react, and the posture was also very funny, one on top of the other, like stacking arhats.

"Brothers and sisters above, get up quickly, I can't bear your weight." Frivolous is the worst one, being directly crushed at the bottom, and can't help but start to explode, screaming. 
It hurts to death, how can his little arms and legs bear so much weight, six people are almost on top of him, and they will fall, he is the most miserable one.

"Get up, get up." Qingyin at the top was the first to get up, looked at the frivolous who was about to be crushed, couldn't bear to look directly, and said with a dark smile: "Brother frivolous is so powerful, should you be all right?"

It didn't hurt at all when she fell, but it's hard to say she was frivolous, the weight was on him.

Frivolous screamed: "Come and try it, everyone is so fat, what do you want to do?"

Everyone: "."

Are they fat?fat?
It should be said that she is just cute and pink, okay?In fact, he is not fat at all, and has a good figure, a standard clothes hanger.

After everyone had left, Qing Kuang was pulled up by Shi Tian, ​​and as soon as he stood up, he jumped on the spot, wrapped his hands around the air, and took a deep breath: "Air, here I am again."

With so much weight just now, it is almost difficult to breathe.

Lan Zihan walked up to frivolous and patted his head: "Come on, hurry up and stand in line."

His ability to bear is not so weak.

Clenched fists frivolously, his mother really wouldn't be sympathetic during training.

Lan Zihan raised her eyebrows and looked frivolously; "Is there anything else?"

Everyone has already assembled, just waiting for him.

A smile flashed across his frivolous eyes; "Well, it's nothing." After speaking, he walked towards the team.

As long as he thinks that even if his father is here, he probably won't get special treatment from his mother, he will be balanced and he will be complete. 
Lan Zihan looked at the seven people standing neatly, and the corners of her lips curled up slightly: "Today's training is just the beginning, and there will be more severe training next, babies, tell me, can you continue? "

The 7-minute competition, although it is not long or short, but she can probably figure out everyone's physique.

"Yes." The seven nodded and replied in a deep voice.

Playing is playing, joking is joking, they all have to train hard, and it is very important to strengthen themselves.

Lan Zihan whistled, with that trademark smile on her face: "Okay, since that's the case, I can't say anything more. If you choose, you won't have the chance to stop halfway, and every morning from now on Wait for me here, train for half a month first."

There are so many things to teach, if you want to teach them all at once, it is impossible.

Besides, they are still young, so they can take their time. Anyway, they all live very close together, so it's not troublesome at all.

(End of this chapter)

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