The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 815 Strong and arrogant father and son 2

Chapter 815 Strong and arrogant father and son 2
"No." Came a frivolous and muffled voice without turning his head.

I kept complaining in my heart, but I didn't turn around, and beat him if I had the ability, anyway, it's not like I haven't been beaten before.

Preferring women over men, his father must not like boys, he doesn't like him stealing his mother's love, that's why he doesn't like boys.

petty daddy violent daddy possessive - strong daddy petty daddy
Complaining to himself in his heart, he completely put the people behind him aside.

Leng Yichen turned his body around and said in a deep voice, "No matter how arrogant you are, just stay by this wall and think about it."

The same blood flows in their hearts, a sense of arrogance, and they will not succumb to others.

Hearing the words frivolously, he became furious: "If you face the wall and think about your mistakes, you will face the wall and think about your mistakes." The small universe was burning, and his heart was even more unhappy.

It's not like he didn't face the wall and think about what he was afraid of.

He just doesn't give in, he just doesn't admit defeat, and he's right, so why admit it first?

Humming in my heart, I just don't admit my mistake.

Leng Yichen's deep forehead and deep eyes narrowed slightly, and a trace of displeasure crossed his brows: "How old is he, and he still loses his temper."

It seemed displeased, but there was definitely a hint of pampering and love in that voice, and there was no intention of blame.

He sighed slightly in his heart, this is his son, how could he not love him.

Frivolous snorted, and was about to say that he was only five years old, but the figure suddenly froze, what did he hear just now?
She suddenly raised her eyes to look at Leng Yichen, and bumped into his deep black eyes, which were full of pampering and love.

The awkward thoughts and raging anger in his heart disappeared without a trace. He blinked his eyes to make sure that he was not mistaken. He threw himself into his arms, rubbed against him, and yelled, "Daddy."

There is a smile on a small face carved in powder and jade, and Ru Mo's eyes are as bright as stars.

Just now he vowed not to admit his mistakes, not to give in, but in the blink of an eye, with just one look, those negative emotions have disappeared and ceased to exist.

The Tsundere Little Beast surrendered and became so cute, just like the ordinary child. There was no Tsundere, awkwardness, and stubbornness on his body, and he was as satisfied as a child who got candy.

Leng Yichen looked at the docile little beast in his arms, the corners of his lips curved slowly, and rubbed his head: "Aren't you arrogant?"

This little guy is just that awkward.

Frivolous and calm, with a smile on his face, he raised his head to look at Leng Yichen, and blinked his eyelashes: "I'm not arrogant in the first place."

What else is there to be arrogant, he doesn't want to be arrogant.

Leng Yichen smiled wickedly, and patted his head: "Excellent, but don't be proud, keep working hard."

This is the first time he has commented on him, the first time he has talked with him calmly, and the first time he has opened up to express all those negative emotions.

You can boast when you should, but you must not be proud.

There is a smile in the frivolous eyes, and the smile on the small face is very cute and moving: "Daddy, I understand, a proud person will eventually achieve nothing."

This is what his mother taught him. Before you have that ability and strength, you have no right to be proud.

Although he has spiritual power, no one else is his opponent, but that is only a superior aspect, and it can only be said that he is lucky.

If he doesn't go to study other places, he is afraid that he is not as good as others.

(End of this chapter)

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