The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 820 Father and Son Conversation 2

Chapter 820 Father and Son Conversation 2
At his age, he doesn't want to do anything else, he just wants to spoil his grandchildren.

However, he must also have his relatives and grandchildren for him.

Looking at Qian Mingxuan who was still not in a hurry, he just sighed helplessly.

The road to grandchildren is still far away, it seems.

Qian Mingxuan's hand paused slightly, a trace of helplessness flashed across his clear eyes, he raised his eyes to look at Qian Li and smiled: "Father, I don't remember this matter, how can it be possible, even if it is With the girl you like, and together, the child will be born in a few years."

How could he not understand what his father was thinking.

He also wanted to satisfy him, but he was powerless. He hadn't met the one he wanted yet, so he really couldn't give him a definite answer on this matter.

Qian Li shook his head and laughed, and waved his hands: "The road to grandchildren is far away, and I'm not too optimistic about it, that's all, when you find the woman you like, you must inform me, Father will arrange the marriage for you."

He was just such a son, the poison in his body was cured, he became energetic, and his worries were put down.

He is indeed still very young, but at his age, others already have sons.

He hasn't found a woman he likes so far, isn't he worried about her?

However, he is also bearish now, and will not let him marry a woman he doesn't like. He yearns for a lifetime of a couple, both of whom have an emotionally based marriage, so he just lets him go.

As long as he is happy, he is also happy.

Qian Mingxuan smiled and nodded; "Well, I see."

The wind has passed without a trace, the sky is cloudless, and the weather is clear. Everyone is in such a happy mood.
In a blink of an eye, seven days have passed.

Leng Yichen and his party have already reached the territory of Mengxi Kingdom, and they will reach the imperial capital after a while.

Nangong Xueling was riding on horseback, turned to look at Lan Zihan, chatting about gossiping in boredom: "Zihan, the prince of Mengxi country is really the same as Wuchen, not yet married."
I heard that she looks good, but she is still unmarried.

Lan Zihan nodded; "Well, depending on your personality, it should be that you are not very keen on this matter."

In fact, when she looked at Qian Mingxuan's character, she would sometimes mistake him for a child and immature.

Time has changed, five years have passed, I don't know how things have changed now.
Nangong Xueling blinked her eyes, and turned her head to look at Lan Zihan: "It's really not surprising that there are many unmarried people at such an age in our place, but it may not be the case here." 
In modern times, there are many people in their 20s who are not married, but here in ancient times, they can marry as wives when they are 15 years old.

The difference is quite large.

Lan Zihan turned her head and looked at Nangong Xueling playfully: "Could it be that you regret getting married so early?"

What she said is true, there is no such early marriage in modern times.

Nangong Xueling gave her a white look, and said with a smile: "Do you look at me like you regret it? Who can compare to my husband. He is better than Gao Fushuai, where can I find it in the world."

There won't be a man like Li Shang anymore, it's hard to find money, it's hard to meet in this world, it's the right way to hold on tightly and not let go.

Li Shang, who was on the back of another horse behind her, listened to her words, the corners of his lips curled up, and a smile appeared on the cute baby's face, which was fleeting.

Lan Zihan smiled evilly: "Then when you ask what you are doing, I thought you were going to find someone else."

(End of this chapter)

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