The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 825 The Wind Hibiscus with Complicated Emotions 1

Chapter 825 The Wind Hibiscus with Complicated Emotions 1
Here, everything is leisurely, but Tianchen's Prince Chen's Mansion is full of excitement and laughter.

In the bamboo forest, the figures of the seven little guys were running around the outer circle.

After this matter, they can already speed up and increase the number of laps, and the running is not as strenuous as the first time.

The faces of the seven little guys were all calm. After the last lap, they all stood in place and took a deep breath to rest.

Feng Jin blinked her eyes, turned her head to look at the frivolous beside her: "Brother, we have been in Tianchen for many days, and we have been in the mansion all the time. After training in a while, let's go out and have fun?"

I train every day, and occasionally I can take a break.

Frivolous and nonchalant, he smiled: "Okay, where are we going to play?" It's time for them to go out and have fun, and they will be bored in the mansion.

Shi Tian from the side interjected: "I know which place is fun. After training in the morning, let's go together in the afternoon." He, Fei Mo and Tian Zong have both been there to play, and the scenery there is not bad. The important thing is, Quite quiet, suitable for them to relax.

A smile floated on the frivolous face: "Okay, let's go in the afternoon." Mother said that as the biggest one in the group, he must take good care of them, so naturally he will not forget.

Feng Jin supported her chin with one hand, sat on the ground and rested on the spot, her pair of star-like eyes were slightly meditating, and she was stunned.

Looking at Feng Jin's expression, Qingyin cleared her throat, "Wuchen, you're here."

"Where is it?" Feng Jin, who was still in a daze, immediately stood up and looked towards the exit of the bamboo forest.

The eyes looked around, but there was nothing, and nothing was seen.

At this moment, it was only when he realized that he had been tricked.

With three black lines on her forehead, she turned her head and glared at Qingyin: "Damn girl, why don't you take a good rest if you have nothing to do, what are you going to do with me?"

Qingyin smiled innocently, and blinked cutely: "That's my mistake, I thought it was Wuchen who came." But she smiled unconsciously in her heart, this girl is really cute.

Just one sentence lifted her emotions.

Feng Jin curled her lips: "It's not fun, don't make fun of this kind of thing in the future."

After all, he sat back to his original position again, leaning against a bamboo and meditating quietly.

Thoughts are already drifting away.

Frivolously walked over, pinched Feng Jin's cheek: "I said, what's wrong with you recently? You are always in a daze from time to time, people who don't know think you are broken in love."

This girl is not as happy as before, she will always be in a daze from time to time.

Feng Jin's embroidered eyebrows were slightly frowned, and there was no fluctuation on her cute little face, and her soft and immature voice was full of cuteness: "Brother, I really want to break up in love. I have never been in love, so how can there be talk of broken love?"

She has never been in love at all, okay? Where did she get lost in love?
It's just that I'm not in a good mood.

He frivolously rubbed Feng Jin's head, and said jokingly: "What's wrong? Could it be that you want to be clean?"

Without asking, she knew that she was indeed thinking about Mo Wuchen.

Since the day his mother left them, they were training, and Mo Wuchen had never appeared, only at meal time.

However, they couldn't get in touch with Mo Wuchen every time they practiced and ate, so the time to see him was getting less and less.

(End of this chapter)

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