The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 827 suddenly enlightened

Chapter 827 suddenly enlightened

A smile floated in the frivolous eyes: "Feng Jin, our child, when have you been so procrastinating?"
They are very decisive in everything they do, and they are not procrastinating at all.

It's just that Feng Jin's appearance has changed now, he doesn't know what she is hesitating about, he is just telling her a fact.

Feng Jin bit her lip, Cantuo Xingchen's eyes looked frivolously: "Brother, if I keep bothering Wuchen, will he hate me?"

This is what she thought of from Ruoxi's incident.

Would it be tiring if I was pestered by someone I didn't like all the time, but I couldn't hurt her?

Will it become disgusting after a long time?

She knew that Mo Wuchen's personality was not like this, and she would not do things that hurt her with his eyes, but she did it because of it.

That time, when she confessed, Mo Wuchen said that she would know when she grew up.

She didn't know whether he was delaying time or thinking that she was joking. She was actually talking to him very seriously, and she was not at all childlike, and she didn't mean to be joking at all.

But, I'm afraid they won't understand, after all, she is only a five-year-old child.

Nianqin said that marriage can only be discussed after she turns [-], so there are still ten years before she reaches adulthood.

Wuchen, how could he not be accompanied by another woman for ten years?

The world is unpredictable, who can tell clearly
She couldn't imagine what would happen to her if Mo Wuchen was with other women.

In short, it must be very sad
The frivolous corners of his lips curled up slightly, and he turned his head to look at Feng Jin with a funny face: "When did you become so afraid, do you think Wu Chen would hate you? He loves you so much, how could he hate you. You should know his character."

Is this girl just worrying about this matter?
Really drive yourself crazy and don't give up.

What is there to worry about?Things that simply don't happen, are simply superfluous.

Feng Jin's eyes were dazed, and the recurring emotions in her heart finally got a little relief, and she suddenly came to her senses, her face was rejuvenated with the old look, as dazzling as the eyes of stars.

Mo Wuchen wouldn't hate her at all, so how could he feel disgusted with her?
Not to mention that she likes him, before she said it, Wu Chen was also very kind to her, pampering and loving him in every possible way.

She was really digging into a dead end by herself, very awkward, thinking too much, but lost the most essential thing.

Looking at Feng Jin's appearance frivolously, he smiled: "Smile more, you're cute." That quietness really didn't suit her at all.

Feng Jin raised her head to stare at the scene, and threw herself into his arms: "Brother, sometimes, I always feel that you know more than I do. It's nice to have you."

They are all smart, but, in her opinion, the smartest is the frivolous.

Everything can be solved perfectly, and everything can be done to the best. Every time I comfort someone, it is always so strange, but every word is the truth, knocking in my heart.

Although he occasionally bullied her, teased her, and made fun of her, he would not hurt her. As long as something happened to her was strange, he would feel it and would be by his side.
Such a wise and lovely brother, who is understanding and calm, where can he find him?
(End of this chapter)

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