The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 834 Can You Stay For Her? 4

Chapter 834 Can You Stay For Her? 4
Seeing Feng Jin's cute appearance, Mo Wuchen chuckled; "Well, no."

Not now, and I don't know if there will be in the future. After all, he is really indifferent to which aspect.

It is not easy to meet someone you really like.

It's not always possible to be that lucky.

So, just follow the fate, and he likes it very much now.He can do whatever he wants, and he doesn't have any big requirements.

Feng Jin blinked her eyes, looked at Mo Wuchen seriously and said, "So, can you try to like me?"

Now he has no one he likes, so, can he try to like her?
She liked him very much, very much.

Now that he has no one he likes, is indisputable her chance?
Isn't there a saying that love can be cultivated from childhood.

The corners of Mo Wuchen's lips curled up slightly, and he shook his head: "Feng Jin, you are really too young to talk about these things."

She is just a five year old girl.

The five-year-old girl from someone else's family is still nestling in the arms of her parents and acting like a baby, but they have already started a series of things such as choosing a company.

They matured earlier than their peers, and he knew that, and he knew exactly what their alarm clocks were thinking.

Very cute group of kids.

However, now there is a child carved in pink and jade, looking at him with eyes that are as bright as stars, and asking him if he can try to like him, this is inconsistent no matter how you look at it.

Did she know that she was just a five-year-old girl.

The words are not amazing, and they have learned a lot of things and words from that world with Lan Zihan and Nangong Xueling.

Feng Jin shook her head, frowning slightly; "Wu Chen, I'm really serious about talking to you right now, can you also listen to me seriously, and then answer me sincerely? I don't want your Perfunctory, or training me to be immature, a child, etc., can we put these all aside now?"

She doesn't want to listen to those words anymore.

Is it because she is only a five-year-old girl now, so you can't tell her anything from an adult's side?

What she wants is actually very simple, that is, to have a sincere chat with Wuchen, and then discuss the invention in his heart, and his future goals.

Then, she can try to approach his world, try to approach him slowly.

Does liking someone need to be so careful?
Her mother and father, as well as godmother and godfather, are all straightforward people.

Love is love, not love is not love, everything is very clear and clear.

However, when he came to her, his appearance and tone changed.

Mo Wuchen turned his head to look at Feng Jin, looked at the firmness and stubbornness in those eyes, just smiled and nodded: "Well, okay, tell me."

The little guy seems to be going to blow his hair. Since she is doing this, then why should he disagree.

Anyway, it's all the same, he just needs to answer her well.

Feng Jin sticks out her tongue: "Wuchen, you should have listened to what I said earlier, and you made me go inside just now."

The long eyelashes twinkle, very cute and playful, and with a sense of agility, the whole person seems to have aura that is compelling.

(End of this chapter)

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