The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 836 Can You Stay For Her? 6

Chapter 836 Can You Stay For Her? 6
However, Feng Jin understands, but understands.
Among them, there are many problems of education. Lan Zihan and Nangong Xueling are two strange things, and the problems of educating children are also very strange, but they are many times more effective than other people's education.
Some people can't see these truths clearly in their whole life, but she has already understood so well at the mere age of five.
Feng Jin shook her head, looking straight at Mo Wuchen; "Have you answered my question yet?" A face wrinkled slightly, as if saying, don't try to change the subject.

She was asking about something serious, and it didn't matter whether she understood or not. This was not the topic she cared about.

Mo Wuchen shook his head and laughed: "Little guy, I really can't say no to you."

This little guy's character is so persistent, he won't give up until he gets an answer.
Feng Jin blinked her eyes, and looked at Mo Wuchen with a smile: "Then you just talk, I'll listen."

Mo Wuchen looked down at the curious eyes of the little guy beside him, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly: "What if I say I don't like you? What will happen to you?"

He has always treated her as a child, and he really didn't think about it.

Even when she once said that she would marry him, he didn't take it seriously.

Now, it is the first time to answer positively.

Feng Jin shook her head: "It's okay, I can wait, what I want to know is, Wuchen, are you willing to stay for me? Ten years is nothing to me, but to you, it is You have wasted your prime time and youth."
She had to ask clearly, and these things also had to be asked clearly.

She is only five years old now, she can wait.

However, Mo Wuchen is already in his twenties. He is different from her. The best years of his life have been spent in these ten years. Will he give up and wait for her?
In fact, she is also selfish, hoping that he will wait for her, but she also does not want to waste ten years of his time.

However, if you let him go, you will definitely regret it in the future.

This is a difficult choice, whether it is for him or her.

The smile on Mo Wuchen's face had disappeared, and he looked at Feng Jin seriously: "Feng Jin, there are some things that I have to think carefully before I say them."

Did she really think it through when she said that?
Feng Jin blinked her eyes and smiled playfully: "Wuchen, I am asking you now, can you answer my question first?"

That question is very important to her, and now that she has asked it, there is no chance to take it back.

She doesn't plan to take it back, it's hard to get it back, and it's the same with this one.

However, she is happy.

Mo Wuchen turned his head, looked at the clear river, and chuckled lightly: "I don't have a woman I like, and I don't know what will happen in the future. I won't make any promises to anyone. Those are all false. But, now I can Let me tell you, it's very difficult for me to fall in love with someone, maybe I won't like any woman in the past ten years. The same applies to you, Feng Jin. "

The meaning in the words is very obvious, he may not fall in love with other women for ten years, including Feng Jin together, there will be no feelings.

The words hit Feng Jin's heart word by word, but she didn't feel any pain, but a faint sense of joy circulated in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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