Chapter 846 The Ripe Hibiscus

It's just that she knows very well that she likes Mo Wuchen, likes, likes, and always likes to be with him.

My mother said that when you meet someone you like, don't let go, work hard to make him like you, if it doesn't work, just let go, it won't help if you continue.

It's just that she has never tried hard at all.

Therefore, she can't let go, she doesn't want to let go, she has to work hard to show them that she likes Wuchen, and it's not just a joke.

Wuchen doesn't like lively places, so she can take him for a walk in places that are not very lively, so that he can get acquainted with him more.

Things that Wuchen doesn't like, she won't think to accommodate them, sometimes when she sees him standing alone by the bamboo grove and staring at the blue sky in a daze, she has an unreal feeling, as if the next second, Wuchen It will go with the wind and disappear in this world.

That kind of feeling is very ethereal, she doesn't like it, she doesn't like it very much, it's just the feeling that she can't integrate into his world, and he shuts them all out.
Or, they never really got to know Wu Chen and discussed him.

I think his character is very quiet, elegant and out of the world, so when I go to a lively place or do something, I will always forget him.

So, did they also inadvertently hurt him?
People are fragile. Although Wuchen seems to have no desires and desires, he is indifferent to everything and treats it indifferently, but he also has people who care, and they are one of them.

He is indifferent to feelings, which doesn't mean he can't love, but he hasn't met the woman who can make him fall in love, who can make his heart rippling.
If she likes him, she will give it well, and will not talk about it lazily, that is not her character, and she will not joke about it, she is very serious.

Yes, seriously.

The entanglement in Feng Jin's eyes was gone, replaced by a smile, raised her eyes to look at a few people, and said in a deep voice; "I know what I am doing, and I also know how I feel about Wuchen. I know better what I want in the future. When choosing between freedom and Wuchen, I will choose Wuchen without hesitation. However, I will not let Wuchen continue to be so quiet, everyone is It will change, I can let him slowly integrate into my world, just like me, I must also integrate into his world."

She can't lose Wuchen, Wuchen is very important to her.

Now that you love, you have to love well and love with your heart.

Feelings are not a place for them to entertain and joke, and Wuchen is not someone she can hurt.

Frivolously pinching Feng Jin's cheeks, he couldn't help laughing: "Feng Jin, who taught you these words? You're so smart, you've already thought of those things."

They just gave her an ambiguous question, but she thought it all through, figured it out, and considered it.

As expected of a child trained by his mother and father, he really is very smart, there is no need for them to open the skylight to speak clearly, to explain every word clearly to her.
Feng Jin stuck out her tongue and said with a smile: "Brother, as long as you have someone you like, you will know about these things. Now, you can only comprehend, not express, and you will all understand in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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