Chapter 853

However, the realization in front of him suddenly dimmed, and the golden light was blocked by a figure, and he looked up.

The woman in the water-blue long dress has a slender and plump figure, and her exquisite face is full of smiles, but the clothes she wears, her chest is faintly visible, as long as she lowers down a little, she can see the scene inside.

Feng Jin frowned, with displeasure flashing across her eyes, she said in a deep voice, "Get out of the way, don't block my sun."

She didn't like this woman, she was disgusted by her aura, not to mention the clothes she was wearing.

There was a smile in the eyes of the woman in blue, she squatted down and looked at Feng Jin, and smiled softly: "Little girl, you are so cute." She praised sincerely, the girl in front of her is indeed very delicate and lovely, just like a porcelain doll.

Feng Jin raised her eyebrows: "I've always been cute, do you still need to tell me?"

Ridiculous, she is very cute, these irrelevant people come to praise her, it is not useful to her at all.

The woman in blue smiled softly, turned her eyes to Mo Wuchen's face, a shyness flashed in her eyes, but was quickly hidden, and asked with a smile: "Did your father and daughter come here to play? "

As early as when the two came here, she had already discovered it.

That face, that temperament, is perfect.

However, she didn't find any other women, so she took this step and came here.

Mo Wuchen even looked at the woman in blue, leaning against the tree, gently stroking Fengjin's hair.

He didn't know this woman, so there was no need to talk to irrelevant people.

Seeing Mo Wuchen's appearance, the woman in blue didn't even look at her from the beginning to the end, her complexion froze slightly, a little unstoppable, but she recovered quickly.

It doesn't matter, he must not have seen his own appearance, if he saw it, it would definitely not be the case.

He opened his mouth and wanted to continue, but was interrupted impatiently by Feng Jin: "Auntie, you are blocking my view, can you go aside? It is really a mistake to grow so big."

In other words, he was too fat.

The woman in blue had a look of embarrassment on her face, she was hit by the word "aunt" and the contempt behind her, she shook her head, her face returned to normal, her eyes fixed on Feng Jin, and she said with a smile: "Little girl, if you want Be polite." It doesn't matter, she endured it for the sake of the handsome man.
The impatience in Feng Jin's eyes deepened, and he looked up at the woman in blue, with a cold voice: "I said, do you have a problem with your ears or your eyes, don't f*cking bump into me, I'll call you Let’s go, didn’t you hear? How many times do I need to repeat? It’s okay to be shameless, it’s your tragedy to be a human being like you.”

The good atmosphere was destroyed by the woman in front of her, which made her feel a fire in her heart.

Anger rose in the blue-clothed woman's heart, she looked at Feng Jin with her eyes, took a deep breath, and she endured it.

Looking up at Mo Wuchen, the eyes have become moist, I feel pity, and the voice is soft and boneless, which makes people get goosebumps: "Young master, I don't know where I made your daughter angry, sorry."

After speaking, a few drops of liquid flowed from the corners of her eyes, which made her look even more charming. 
Mo Wuchen didn't speak, but Feng Jin in his arms was angry. He stood up from Mo Wuchen's arms, looked at the woman in blue with raised eyebrows, and said coldly, "What do you think I am him?"

(End of this chapter)

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