The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 855 Do you feel cruel? 1

Chapter 855 Do you feel cruel? 1
The woman in blue stared at the mass of red flames in horror, her body was already stiff, she almost forgot to react and was unable to move.

That is

A flame that appeared out of thin air!
Her heart was filled with fear and panic, and she wanted to move her steps, but her body didn't obey her control, she was already stiff, her eyes were wide open, and she watched the ball of flames hit her face.

"Ah!" The woman's painful cry sounded from the quiet lake, and her voice had already become trembling.

The woman in blue lay limp on the ground, covering her cheeks with her hands, making a painful sound, shrinking her body, looking very pitiful.

Qingxue turned her head to look at Qingkuang: "Qiaokuang, does Feng Jin look like this, godmother allows?"

This appearance only appears when you are particularly angry and angry.

Last time it was because of Lan Zihan, this time it was because of Mo Wuchen, both of them are people she loves.

The dragon has reverse scales, and those who touch them will die.

This was already the second time she had left the Blood Palace, and this kind of thing had never happened in the Blood Palace before.

However, after coming out, there have been two times.

Did they fail to protect Feng Jin, or was it their indulgence?
They had just noticed that the woman in blue was walking towards Feng Jin and the two, but they all had an attitude of watching the show, but the subsequent development made them feel complicated.

Rather than watching a good show, they don't want to make Feng Jin angry.

Frivolous frowned slightly, and shook his head: "Mother doesn't care, but I don't want Feng Jin to be so angry."

That was his sister. He looked at her so angry and angry, how could he be calm in his heart, and he felt the same deeply.

A few people are silent
So did they.

Feng Jin looked at the woman in blue coldly, and snorted coldly, her soft voice was endlessly cold: "Get lost."

kill her?

No need.

Not taking her life and ruining her appearance is even more cruel and unacceptable to her.

Such pain and suffering, why not do it?

She is cute, she is innocent, and she loves to laugh, but she is also the daughter of Leng Yichen and Lan Zihan, she was trained by them, no matter how cute her temper is, she is full of arrogance and cold temperament in her bones.

Be ruthless, she can.

Killing without frowning.

provoke her?Then be prepared to bear her wrath.

The woman in blue got up from the ground, stood up tremblingly, with her hands still covering her cheeks, turned and ran towards the distance.

She doesn't want to stay here anymore. It was a wrong decision for her to come here today, and she was filled with grief. The fear and panic still couldn't dissipate, and that weird scene was still clearly imprinted in her mind.

Although she covered her face, Feng Jin still saw the burned face.

With a cold snort in my heart, I have done my own crimes, and I can't live.

Turning his head to look at Mo Wuchen who raised his eyes to look at her, his flat eyes were still not disturbed, his heart moved, the smile could no longer be restored on his face, and he asked in a deep voice: "Wuchen, do you think I am very happy?" Cruel?"

She knew how old she was now. Others at her age would be frightened when they saw a murder scene.But she personally destroyed others.

She doesn't care about other people's opinions, but the Mo Wuchen in front of her is different, he is someone she likes, and she wants to know if he rejects him in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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