The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 863 The 2 people who are tricky 2

Chapter 863: Two people who are tricky 2
She did not sleep with Qingyin, but each of them shared a room.
Shi Tian also agreed: "As expected of Aunt Xueling's daughter, I can accept this approach."

Fei Mo also smirked: "It seems that she will really be a sister-in-law in the future."

Tian Zong nodded seriously: "I agree, I'll give it a try now, get used to it, and see if it's smooth." Looking up at Feng Jin, he smiled and shouted: "Sister-in-law."

After finishing speaking, he nodded himself: "Well, it's very fluent, and I will call it like that from now on."

It's not awkward to call it at all, so let's call it sister-in-law.

Qingyin was confused: "." What is this all about, she was so frightened.

She felt strange just now, why did she have to ask her again why the frivolous words were so strange, so
She pinched Tian Zong's cheek: "Little Tian Zong, do you want to be so proactive? I didn't even admit it, how can you call me sister-in-law?"

Turning to look at Shi Tian and the others: "And you, frivolous brother can deceive you with a joke, tell me, are you too easy to deceive?"

Damn, this group of people is usually not so consistent, what happened today?
Could it be that she is unlucky today, so she didn't calculate it?
Before Shi Tian and the others could answer, Frivolity had already spoken first, and he looked at Qingyin innocently: "Little Qingyin, don't you want to admit it? You really slept in my room that night. Is there anything embarrassing about it?"

There was a pause in the words, and Ru Mo's eyes dimmed: "Or, does Xiao Qingyin despise me?"

The elegant face-eggs carved in powder jade, coupled with the dim eyes, and the faint melancholy breath on the body, really have a feeling of distress.
Qingyin's face froze, looking at the frivolous appearance, her heart moved slightly, a heart tugged a little, and she shook her head: "Brother frivolous, I didn't mean that, I was"

Before the words were finished, he was preempted by frivolity: "Then what do you mean? Doesn't Xiao Qingyin want me?" Rumo's eyes looked at Qingyin very seriously, and asked earnestly The matter is very serious, and it seems that there is no intention of joking.

Qingyin frowned slightly, and her immature voice carried firmness: "Of course I want to be frivolous brother." How could she despise him?Why don't you want him? 
Which one of them is so good, how could she not want him?

Even Shi Tian and the three who didn't get along for long were taken into consideration by her, let alone frivolous ones. 
Obviously, Qingyin didn't fully understand the meaning of what frivolous just asked.
However, frivolous will not give her a chance.

Ru Mo's dim eyes still disappeared, and the melancholy aura on his body also disappeared, and he looked at Qing Yin with a smile in his eyes: "Well, since that's the case, then I know." Ru Mo's eyes are infinitely bright, and the smile in them is even stronger. It was more eye-catching than the sunshine that day, and the whole person was handsome and charming, perfect.

Qingyin shook her head slightly, seeing the frivolous appearance, the corners of her lips curled up.

As long as the frivolous brother is fine, she thought he was really sad just now.

As for the frivolous thing just said, she had already forgotten it.

Therefore, Shi Tian and the others naturally took her as an acknowledgment, and did not continue to refute.

(End of this chapter)

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