Chapter 871
Feng Jin looked up at Yue Yexie, and the corners of her lips curled up: "What is age? In my view of love, there is no such thing. I don't care how old he is, as long as I like it."

She likes Mo Wuchen, and will not compare her age with his, she never thinks about it, nor does she mind.

If she minded these things, then she would not be Fengjin.

Yue Yexie jokingly smiled: "Then why did you jump off that tree? Do you want to commit suicide? Or do you want to test something?" Didn't this person think about what would happen if he jumped off such a high tree? thing?

She's just a child, a five-year-old, falling from such a height, what does she think?

He was just passing by, but just happened to see this scene, and the face of the little person in his arms was still fresh in his memory, so he caught her without thinking. 
He didn't quite understand why she jumped from such a high tree.

Feng Jin raised her eyebrows and looked at Yue Yexie: "Do you think I will commit suicide?" It is absolutely impossible for her, Feng Jin, to commit suicide.

Even if no one caught her just now, nothing serious happened to her, at most she was seriously injured.

She still had unfinished business, and she wouldn't do something stupid like that to commit suicide.

Yue Yexie chuckled: "Then you chose to jump down because of that man?" For Mo Wuchen, did you choose to jump down?
What kind of logic is that, he doesn't understand.

Feng Jin waved her hand: "You don't need to know, let me down quickly." She doesn't know him well, so there's no need to say so many things.

What happened today was an accident because of his appearance, beyond her expectation, it completely messed up her plan.

Yue Ye smiled evilly, and did not continue to fly forward. The figure stood firmly on the ground, and put down the little man in his arms.

Feng Jin left his side, raised her eyes to see a white figure not far away.

In just a few blinks, Mo Wuchen had already arrived in front of him.

Looking at Feng Jin with both eyes, there is seriousness and worry in those eyes that are as clear as water.

He didn't say anything, but it was more dangerous than when he didn't speak, and he seemed to be angry.

Feng Jin blinked her eyes, a smile flashed across her heart, and finally saw other expressions on Mo Wuchen's face.

Mo Wuchen turned his head to look at Yue Yexie, and said lightly, "You are not dead." A very plain sentence seemed to be stating a fact, and had no other meaning.
"I didn't die at all." Yue Yexie took a look at Mo Wuchen, and a wicked smile flashed across his eyes, his whole demeanor was so charming.
He wasn't dead.

On that day five years ago, the world probably thought that he was buried in that sea of ​​flames.

Mo Wuchen glanced at Yue Yexie indifferently, retracted his eyes, and turned to look at Feng Jin: "Feng Jin, let's go back."

He is not familiar with Yue Yexie, and has only met a few times, basically this time is just the first time to speak.
If it wasn't for Lan Zihan and Leng Yichen, maybe he wouldn't have met Yue Yexie for the last time.

Feng Jin nodded: "Okay." She wondered in her heart, do the two of them know each other?
You are not dead.

These four words were asking the man in purple robe, so they must have known each other before.

Therefore, her father and mother should also know each other.

(End of this chapter)

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