The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 873 suddenly enlightened

Chapter 873 suddenly enlightened

"I don't like this feeling, I don't like it very much, I feel that you are very unreal, very ethereal, I am afraid, as if I may lose you at any time, so, I want to break your temperament, I want to be good Your negative emotions are stimulated, I want to see you angry for me and angry at me, it will make me feel more at ease, and it also makes me feel that the distance between you and me is not very far."

She has always felt that she and Mo Wuchen are people living at two extremes, even if they are very close, even if they get along very well, even if Mo Wuchen dotes on her very much.

However, that unreal feeling still hasn't disappeared.

The loss in her heart is only for Mo Wuchen.

She's great, really good.

Both Leng Yichen and Lan Zihan praised her endlessly.

Among children of the same age, she is already very good.

But in the concept of love, she got nothing and failed completely.

She wants to fight for it, wants to try her best to fight for it, and wants to impress Mo Wuchen's heart.

However, the effect was not great, and Mo Wuchen treated everyone equally.

She wanted to be unique, and she wanted to make Mo Wuchen more real, so she did that thing.

Speaking of which, all of this is for Mo Wuchen.

However, looking at Mo Wuchen's current appearance, she just had a feeling that she did something wrong, she did something ridiculous.

Mo Wuchen's eyes moved, and he glanced at Feng Jin, surprised in his heart, he didn't expect her to think so much, she would think so much.

Sighed slightly, looking at Feng Jin with both eyes: "I have always been like this, don't you understand? Why should you think about it? I am a human being, not a god, and I will not go away. I have always lived a real life, but However, you yourself regard me as someone who cannot be approached, and you have defined me in your heart, thinking that you cannot go beyond."

He has always lived a very real life, whether in the outside world or in the blood palace, he has always looked like this.

The character is so desireless, and the mood will not fluctuate because of anything.

However, it doesn't mean that he is exactly what Feng Jin said.

If there would be no mood swings, why would he stay here?

He didn't leave, he didn't leave, it was all for him to be someone who cared.

Everyone in the world is sentient, and so is Mo Wuchen.

Feng Jin's eyes paused, and what Mo Wuchen said was in his heart, lingering in his mind all the time.

Is it she who sees him as unapproachable?It was she who gave Mo Wuchen a definition in her heart, so he thought that he couldn't surpass him, couldn't impress his emotional fluctuations in his eyes, right?
Slowly realizing it in my heart, I suddenly understood, and cursed myself as an idiot.

If Mo Wuchen would not have any emotional fluctuations because of them, he would have left here long ago instead of wandering around with them all the time.

Why?What is that for?
All because of them, they are all one, necessary.

Biting his lip, staring at Mo Wuchen, he said in a deep voice, "I understand now."

Self-abuse is useless, and there is no need for such self-abuse.

Mo Wuchen saw everything clearly and clearly. 
The corners of Mo Wuchen's lips curled up, he nodded and said in a deep voice, "Well, I don't want the same thing to happen again next time."

That kind of thing once is enough.

(End of this chapter)

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