The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 879 Playing in the Lake 2

Chapter 879 Playing in the Lake 2
Qingkuang noticed the knife's gaze, turned his head to look, and happened to meet Feng Jin's surprised gaze.

Seeing that Qingkuang found herself, Feng Jin smiled at Qingkuang with a curved lips.

Looking frivolously at Feng Jin's appearance, the smile on her face, the look in her eyes, the worries in her heart are finally let go, as long as she is fine.

Looking at her like this, she should be fine.

Feng Jin took Mo Wuchen's hand and walked towards the boat. When he came to the frivolous side, he smiled and asked, "Brother, why didn't you go swimming?"

She was very curious, why is her brother sleeping late by himself?

He hooked his lips frivolously and smiled: "I'm waiting for you, lest you say that we don't wait for you." There was a teasing charm in the words.

It was because he was worried about her that he didn't go into the water.

But now that she's back, he's relieved.

A smile floated in Feng Jin's eyes: "Well, it's better for my brother." But she understood in her heart that if her brother didn't tell her, she could find out what was going on.

She must have worried him again.

With a frivolous and evil laugh: "Are you going into the water?"

He was also ready to go into the water.

Feng Jin nodded: "You go first." She will go in a while.

"Okay." Frivolously nodded, stood up, looked at the guys playing in the lake, and smiled evilly: "I'm here." After saying that, the figure jumped up and jumped into the lake.

"Bang" into the water, splashing layers of waves, surrounded by Shi Tian and others, he just jumped into the middle of them.

Feng Jin turned her head to look at Mo Wuchen, and blinked her eyes: "Wuchen, are you going or not?"

Although she felt that there was not much possibility and little chance of success, she still wanted to ask.

Mo Wuchen pampered Fengjin's head, and said with a smile: "You guys can play, I'll just watch here, don't worry."

His words seemed to carry a magical power, which made Feng Jin feel at ease.

Feng Jin nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, then I'll go." It was the expected answer, but he was not disappointed, and he looked good from above.

The figure flew up and jumped into the lake, and coincidentally collided with Qingyin who had just appeared.

Seeing Frivolity entering the water, Qingyin originally wanted to go there, but when she got out of the water, she saw Fengjin flying towards her, Shuan opened her eyes wide, and her figure quickly shrank into the water. 
That's not a joke, if it hits it, it will hurt very much.

Therefore, it is better to shrink into the water to reduce the pain.

Two small figures emerged from the lake at the same time, and everyone first heard Qingyin's wow-wah shout: "Feng Jin, are your eyes fascinated by Wuchen? clear."

If she hadn't reacted quickly, she might have been hit.

Well, she despises Feng Jin, despises.

This fellow must have been fascinated by looking at Mo Wuchen.

Feng Jin laughed: "Xiao Qingyin, how could I know in advance that you suddenly emerged from the water, so you didn't pay attention to me too much, you only saw me when I dived."

It was true that she didn't see it so clearly when she jumped down, but there was no one on the water.

However, people are not as good as heaven, and Qingyin just emerged from the lake.

Can she say that the two of them have a tacit understanding?
Nodding silently, well, it must be like this, they have a tacit understanding, and they chose a place.

(End of this chapter)

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