Chapter 902 A Pair of Enemies

In ten years, Qingxue and Shitian have become a pair of enemies.

Always fight each other, sometimes tease, or compete.

In the eyes of others, they look like the most incompatible couple.

However, they don't think so.

There seemed to be a faint affection between the two, but they didn't seem to notice it.

They also did not make it clear that this kind of thing needs to be discovered by themselves, and it is useless for outsiders to intervene.

Listening to what Qingxue said, she turned her head to look at Qingyin, and raised her eyebrows: "Are you sure you didn't have a convulsion today?"

"No, I'm fine every day." Qingyin blinked innocently, puzzled.

When did she have a convulsion?

Qingxue hooked her lips and smiled slightly: "Since there is no convulsion, how could you say such a foolish thing?"

She is going to use it on Shi Tian?Nonsense.

There is no relationship between them. These people always like to make fun of her and him, and she is used to it.

Occasionally, though, fight back.

Qingyin raised her eyes to look at Qingxue, she was very calm, she spread her hands: "I don't think it's a noob at all, could it be that you really want to implement it?"
How can this be a noob?
She said she was not a noob?

Turn into Xiaobai when it's her turn?

Is this person so funny?

Qingxue rolled her eyes: "You're boring, if you want to implement it, you can do it yourself. I think frivolity should be very happy." After finishing speaking, she blinked at frivolity ambiguously. The meaning clearly shows that the relationship between Qingyin and frivolity is not simple.
Lying frivolously on the grass, looking at Qingxue's expression, he couldn't help but feel amused: "Qingxue, are your eyes convulsed? You keep blinking."

Everyone: "." This can also be said.

Qingxue gave frivolous a look with disdain: "Don't tell me you don't understand what I want to express."

Her eyes are convulsed?

Smoke a ghost!
A frivolous and evil smile, with a sense of charm: "Well, I understand, Qingxue wants to confess to me, doesn't she?"
The corners of Qingxue's eyes twitched, and she directly picked up the little tiger and threw it towards the frivolous body: "It's not that I want to confess, it's that this little tiger has admired you for a long time, so you just accept it."

She made a confession!

She didn't believe that this guy couldn't understand what she said. 
The little tiger was thrown directly at Frivolous by Qingxue, throwing towards him, the amber pupils were full of excitement.

With that appearance, I don't know if people would really think that this tiger likes to be frivolous and wants to confess his love.
Frivolously looking at the tiger above, the figure didn't get up, but quickly caught the little tiger with both hands, and turned around, one person and one tiger were lying on the grass, but the figures were not together.

Frivolously patted the little tiger's head, and chuckled lightly: "Qingxue, you are violent, are you going to murder this tiger?" Or are you going to murder him?
Violent women are really easy to get mad and explode.

Qingxue clapped her hands, and smiled with her lips curled up: "Are you so prone to accidents? That's too bad. I have a kind heart, so I won't murder that little tiger."

She is very clear about frivolous strength, that is the most powerful of the seven of them.

She could throw that little tiger out knowing that he would catch it safe and sound.

Sitting up frivolously, looking up at Qingxue, she gave an evil smile: "It's too rude, Shi Tian will not want you when the time comes, where do you think you are going to cry?"

(End of this chapter)

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