The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 905: Standing and Saying You Have No Back Pain

Chapter 905

If he used it, Mo Wuchen wondered if he would be angry.

More importantly, she is not that kind of person, and she will not do that kind of thing to Mo Wuchen.

Nangong Xueling curled her lips and said amusedly: "I'm just curious. It's a pity that this method is not used. However, it probably can't be used on Wuchen, otherwise, your image in Wuchen's heart will be gone. .”
Moreover, she felt that using that method on Mo Wuchen's body was a sense of blasphemy against him, and it was desecrating his beauty.

There is no way, who made Mo Wuchen's character so ethereal, like a banished immortal.

After so many years, the temperament has not changed at all, but has become more and more ethereal.

She was really curious, what kind of situation would it be if Fengjin took down Wuchen.
Feng Jin waved her hand: "Godmother, don't underestimate me, I won't use that method, for Wuchen, that method is very profane."

She just talked about that method casually at the beginning, and never thought of using it.

A smile flashed across her eyes, that method is not good, she did not say that other methods cannot be used, she has a lot of ideas.

Nangong Xueling spread her hands: "I didn't underestimate you." There was a smile in her eyes: "Xiao Fengjin, come on, I am optimistic about you."

Mo Wuchen and Feng Jin have the best relationship, so she is very optimistic about her.

"Feng Jin, it's useless for anyone to hit you, as long as you have self-confidence." Qingyin and his group came over.

Feng Jin turned her head back and smiled: "It's okay to say that, if you don't have confidence, you would have died no less than a hundred times." If she didn't have self-confidence, she would have died no less than a hundred times.

Therefore, self-confidence is a must.

Qingxue laughed jokingly: "The banquet is about to start, isn't the protagonist still on stage?"

Today she is the focus.

Feng Jin glanced at the people in the garden, and felt it was funny: "Qingxue, everyone here is so familiar, do I need to be so polite?"
There are all her relatives here, all of them are very familiar, and there is no outsider.

"You've never been polite." Qingxue gave Feng Jin a disdainful look.

When did this person become so polite?That's all floating clouds.

Looking at Feng Jin frivolously, he raised his eyebrows and asked, "Feng Jin, do you still want to go to play tomorrow?"

Let's see if she will go or not.

Feng Jin's eyes turned slightly, and she waved her hand; "No, brother, go." She still has something to do, so she won't go.

She can go out to play anytime, she may not have time for a while.

She wants to cultivate and develop a relationship with Mo Wuchen.

She smiled frivolously, she had already guessed something when she came just now, and it really didn't happen.

Qingxue whistled: "Feng Jin, you can do it, this is not going, what important things do you have to do?"

Needless to say, the reason why this person did not go must be Mo Wuchen.

Feng Jin waved her hand: "I'm thinking about the big things in my life."

Is it a big deal to chase Wuchen?
He nodded, yes, it's a big deal.

Qingyin looked at Feng Jin unconsciously, "I said, Feng Jin, do you need to be in such a hurry?"

She's just reached Ji, okay, now a major event in her life is coming, how anxious is she?I want to marry myself out.

Feng Jin curled her lips: "You don't understand my heart, so how can you know if I'm in a hurry. If it were you, you would definitely have the same thoughts as me."

They were standing and talking without back pain.

(End of this chapter)

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