Chapter 915

Feng Jin opened her eyes, looked at Mo Wuchen who was not moving at all, and felt a sense of frustration rising in her heart. Could it be that there really would be no reaction?

Just now she clearly felt his body trembling slightly, although the time was short, she still felt it.

So, he still has some feelings, doesn't he?
She left his lips, stared at Mo Wuchen with both eyes, and said with an evil smile: "Wuchen, do you want me to sing a one-man show? It's also my first time, so I also need to respond."

It's her first time kissing a man too, okay?Why is there no response?
Mo Wuchen looked at Feng Jin, then glanced at her lips, there was no fluctuation in his eyes: "Feng Jin, get up when you've had enough trouble."

The voice was very soft, but there was no reproach.

Even for what she just did, he wouldn't blame her.

A faint sense of loss floated in Feng Jin's eyes: "Wuchen, is it really not possible?" He still treated her like a child just now, didn't he?

Therefore, I have no opinion at all about the kiss that is not a kiss, and can be treated so plainly.

Mo Wuchen looked at the disappointment in Feng Jin's eyes, restrained his heart slightly, and said softly: "Feng Jin, this is not allowed, you are now an adult, you can't mess around anymore."

She is now Jiji's age, an adult, and she can no longer be like she was when she was a child.

Feng Jin narrowed her eyes slightly, and a smile floated in her eyes: "Does Wu Chen feel that he is at a disadvantage?"

Before Mo Wuchen could answer, he nodded and said with a smile, "In that case, I'll make it up to you." After saying those words, Mo Wuchen's sexy thin lips were already on the side of his lips.

Mo Wuchen turned his head quickly, not wanting to come with her again, but Feng Jin had already calculated that Mo Wuchen would hide, so he also went to the same place with her, and the two lips met again. collided together.

Feng Jin was in a good mood, a smile floated in her eyes, her expression seemed to say, accept it with peace of mind, she is here to make up for your loss last time.

A look of helplessness floated in Mo Wuchen's eyes, he stroked her cheeks with both hands, pulled her away from him, and said softly: "Feng Jin, you are no longer a child, this kind of behavior should be reduced, we are impossible."
She was just as quarrelsome, and it was the same for this matter.

Feng Jin blinked her eyes, and said seriously: "Wu Chen, I like you, so you should know what it means to kiss you."
She knew that she was not a child, so she didn't make jokes or play around in what she did.

Mo Wuchen poked Feng Jin's cheek: "Is that a kiss? You were a force-kiss." That's right, it was a force-kiss.

Both times it came so suddenly.

A smile was drawn on the corner of Feng Jin's lips: "Then let's have another French-kiss, shall we?"
They are not unfamiliar with this word, it is what her godmother said.
The corners of Mo Wuchen's lips curled up, and he shook his head: "Not good, get up quickly."

Feng Jin proudly raised her chin: "No, I'm sorry."

She couldn't afford it, so she didn't get up. His embrace was very warm, and it made her feel at ease.

There is also a smell of her nostalgia, all of which she likes.

How could she let go of such a man?
Mo Wuchen couldn't find it funny: "Excuse me, are you going to throw yourself into my arms all the time?"

(End of this chapter)

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