The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 936 Frivolous Chapter Language

Chapter 936 Frivolous Words

With an evil smile on the corner of his mouth, Frivolous raised his eyebrows, looked at the tenor, and stared at Qingyin: "Does that little Qingyin like me?"
does she like him
There is no setting whether it is worth it or not, they are all genuine people, and they will not stick to small details.

He wants to know, does she like him?

Qingyin was slightly startled, then recovered, looked at Qingkuang and said with a smile: "Brother Qingkuang, don't make such jokes with me."

She's already used to it, it's not like he hasn't said that.

When they were children, the two of them were recognized as a couple by everyone, and he didn't refute it.

In her opinion, it was purely a joke, with no serious charm at all.

She only regards him as her elder brother, although there is no blood relationship.
With a frivolous smile, he slowly approached Qingyin, stood in front of her, raised her chin with one hand, moved closer, and smiled charmingly: "Does Qingyin think I'm joking? Huh?"
The voice is so evil, deep and hoarse, with a hint of charm, flowing in the hearts of people.

Qingyin's heart skipped a beat, she was a little uncomfortable with his sudden approach, she didn't know how she felt.

Seeing his ink-like eyes, as if they were about to be sucked in, he calmed down and laughed lightly: "Brother frivolous, are you teasing me?"
He, is he teasing her?
The frivolous corners of his mouth were slightly pursed, his sexy thin lips were full of charm, he moved towards Qingyin's side, approached his earlobe, and chuckled softly: "You can think so?"

Exhaling like orchids, full of charm, all the hot air hit Qingyin's ears, making her feel itchy.
Suddenly, my heart suddenly felt hot.
Today's frivolity is very strange. This is the first time she has seen such frivolity.

The figure quickly took a step back, looked at the frivolous and sweet smile: "Brother frivolous, don't use this trick on me, if you use this trick on other women, it will definitely work."
With such a beautiful face, and that alluring temperament, most women probably wouldn't reject him.

It's funny to be frivolous, what is this girl thinking.

Looking at Qingyin with raised eyebrows, he smiled wickedly: "I'm only interested in Qingyin."

He despises other women.

It's not that the eyes are too high, but that none of those people can compare with his Qingyin.

Qingyin was very calm, and blinked innocently: "Frivolous brother, when will you not be interested in me?"

No matter what good or interesting things are, they are all together, okay?

And his joking words, words that misunderstood everyone, she accepted them all, nothing, she was used to it.

It's just that it has nothing to do with whether love is good or not.

"Well, I've always been very interested." He glanced at Qingyin frivolously and appreciatively.

It has always been like this, interested = interested in her.

That kind of interest is no longer just liking.

But, she still doesn't understand.

Qingyin smiled sweetly: "So, frivolous brother, don't talk to me about such ridiculous topics."

She still didn't take his words seriously.

The frivolous corner of his mouth was slightly pursed, his eyes fixed on Qingyin, and he said word by word: "What if I like you? Will Qingyin like me?"

He watched the relationship between Feng Jin and Wu Chen gradually heat up, and he finally understood a sentence, don't be passive, but take the initiative.

It would be impossible to wait for Qingyin to take the initiative.

Therefore, he broke the tranquility first.

"Are you serious?" Qingyin asked frivolously for the first time, very seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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