Chapter 947
Feimo turned his head, looked at the teasing people on the edge of the cliff, and smiled slightly: "Have you fallen in love with Qingxue frivolously?"
Along the way, he was very close to Qingxue, even holding hands.

That appearance, as if to let everyone know that they are a couple.

It's just that he hasn't been to the Prince Chen's mansion for a few days, they are progressing so fast?
Doesn't he like Qingyin?

Tian Zong jokingly smiled: "I don't know, there may be other reasons." After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look in the direction where Feng Jin and Qing Yin were, his eyes flashed.
Anyone who knows frivolously enough will not believe that he would empathize with someone else so quickly.

Although he and Qingxue had a good relationship, they didn't have that kind of ambiguity or palpitations when they got along.

If it is said why he knew it, it is very simple, probably Fei Mo can also see it.

There was only one emotion Xiaobai Qingyin couldn't see.

Feimo couldn't help but find it funny: "Frivolous and the truth, actually using such a self-torturing method."

Do you want to be with Qingxue and stimulate Qingyin?
Turning his head to look at Qingyin, the corners of his lips hooked slightly, it's good to want to be stimulated, but it seems that no one hooked up.
Tian Zong waved his hand: "Just watch the show, frivolous didn't ask us for help, so he definitely didn't want us to intervene." After finishing speaking, he nodded: "Well, that's the reason, he and Qingxue can handle it."

If they also intervene, it will be bad if they help more and more.

Although he also wanted to participate, frivolity would definitely not agree.

He'd better watch the play quietly.

Fei Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his eyebrows and looked at Tian Zong: "Tell me, how long will it take for frivolity to handle Qing Yin?"

He was very curious about this.

Tian Zong shook his head: "I don't know." Rubbing his chin with one hand, he raised his eyes to look at Fei Mo, and chuckled lightly: "Fei Mo, how about a big brother bet?"

"What bet?" Feimo looked at Tianzong in confusion.

"Bet on when they will be together." Tian Zong said with a smile.

He is really a bit bored, and besides, he is also very interested in this matter.

His elder brother's pursuit of his wife has begun. The revolution has not yet succeeded, and comrades still need to work hard.

Success will succeed, there is no doubt about it.

What matters is the process.

"No gambling, it's boring." Feimo waved his hand, he didn't gamble on such things.

"Then what do you want to bet?" Tian Zong raised his eyes and looked at Fei Mo, blinking his eyes and asking.

Don't you feel a little bored not to gamble?

The corners of Feimo's lips curled up slightly, and a smile floated in his eyes, with a half-joking, half-watching charm: "I bet, if you continue to talk, Shi Tian will definitely beat you."

Tian Zong turned his head to look at Shi Tian, ​​looked at his unchanged face, looked at his calm eyes, and shook his head: "Shi Tian is normal, I can't see any difference, it's okay to beat me up What?" Can this person fool him a little more?

Fei Mo spread his hands and smiled unscrupulously; "It's fine if you don't believe me, don't hide behind me if you get beaten, I won't look at you."
Hearing this, Tian Zong was furious: "Feimo, labor and capital are men, men, are you talking about me? Is it me? Don't compare me with women."
This man really confused him with a woman, and said he was addicted while talking about it.

He wanted to whip him, uh, wanted to beat him.

Now it's not that Shi Tian is going to beat him, but that he is going to beat Feimo, this guy, his words are so inconceivable that he can't stop talking.

(End of this chapter)

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