Chapter 949
"What?" Shi Tian looked up at Tian Zong, what did he want to ask?
Tian Zong suppressed the smile in his eyes, and asked very calmly: "You haven't told me yet, do you like Qingxue?"

He has asked several times.

This person never answered him once.

Shi Tian raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Didn't I answer?" He remembered that he had already answered, didn't he hear it?
"When?" Tian Zong looked at Shi Tian suspiciously, as if he was saying, just fool me, fool me, fool me as much as you want, I won't believe it.

Shi Tian looked at Tian Zong's appearance, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly. Can this person's expression be a little more funny?
Looking at Tian Zong with both eyes, he said calmly: "Didn't I just say that I don't like it?"

He had already said that he didn't like the taste, and he said it the first time he was asked.

Tian Zong's mouth opened slightly, and it suddenly burst.
Looking at Shi Tian with both eyes, he said with contempt: "Can you talk a little more? That is also an answer."

He just said that he felt very strange, and asked so many times, but he didn't answer.

Then suddenly came a sentence, and he had already answered it.

Thinking of the simple words he answered, and the answer that had nothing to do with it, he just remained silent.

He wants to despise him, despise him for a while.

Shi Tian raised his eyebrows: "What I said is true, if you don't like it, don't you just don't like it?"

When he mentioned the word dislike, he frowned slightly in his heart, but his face remained unchanged.

"Don't you really like it? Aren't you two very close? I look like a mess, you are not joking with me, are you?" Tian Zong looked at Shi Tian with a pair of bright eyes. Ask out loud.

He, is what he said true or false?

He had a feeling in his heart, that is, the second love Xiaobai was born.
Why can't I understand what he wants to express?He was distressed, very distressed.

"Do I need to lie to you?" Shi Tian looked at Tian Zong contemptuously, did he need to lie to him?

Tian Zong smiled and waved his hands: "Okay, then I don't like it."

I thought to myself, it's strange if I don't like it.

When he sees the feelings in his heart clearly, he must attack and laugh three times.
Shi Tian squinted at Tian Zong, and rolled his eyes: "You have time to gossip about others, so why not find someone yourself, then you won't have to be so idle."

Because I'm so free, I gossip about other people's affairs.

It's not that this habit is bad, they're just interested in their emotional affairs, and they wouldn't bother with anyone else.

If he wants to find a woman he likes, why not?
Tian Zong waved his hand and said with a smile, "I'm not interested yet."

If you didn't meet the right person, didn't meet the woman you like, just find one at random, that's playing tricks, and he wouldn't do that.

In his thoughts, it is the idea of ​​a couple for a lifetime.

The people around them all have this kind of relationship, the two are like glue, they are still pampered for ten years, they seem like newlyweds, they will never get tired of it.

Shi Tian hooked his lips and smiled slightly: "I'm not interested, could it be that I've fallen in love with Feimo?"

The sky is chaotic in the wind: "."

He fell in love with Fei Mo.
He was speechless, very speechless.

They are all men, okay, they are all brothers, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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