Chapter 952

The three of them were childish, and Qingxue was depressed. She turned her head and glared frivolously, and said in a low voice: "Next time you do this kind of action again, I won't help you. It will damage my image."

Except for her mother and father who sometimes pinch her cheeks, there is really no one else.

The frivolity didn't feel it was funny, and turned to look at Qingxue: "Qingxue, it's okay to be cute once in a while, men like cute and obedient women."
The implication is that you have to be cute and flamboyant to be liked by others.
Qingxue rolled her eyes: "Go aside, you said that Qingyin is not bad, this will not appear in front of me."

She went to act cute and cute, that would be a fantasy, there was no need for that at all.

If you really like her, why would you mind these things?Wouldn't mind at all.

The corners of frivolous lips twitched slightly: "I'm serious, don't believe me, you will know later."

He didn't lie to her, he spoke the truth.

If she is with Shitian in the future, both of them are such strong people, and their personalities are unlikely to be like her mother and father, who will be unconditionally and absolutely pampered to the end, without any complaints, even if they are No matter how cold her personality is, she will not get angry with her mother, but will love her with all her heart.

Thinking about the picture of Shi Tian and Qing Xue together, he felt that the one who was more indifferent was not very good at expressing feelings, and the one who was careless and sometimes very irritable, and refused to admit defeat.

With two powerful people like this, if one side doesn't learn to bow their heads, it will be a toss.

Qingxue shrugged, disapproving, and didn't care too much.

Some things are only known when you experience them.

With a frivolous laugh: "If you don't listen to me, Qingxue will suffer in the future."
Love is not about being in charge if you want to be in charge, and not being abusive if you don't want to.

Qingxue turned her head and looked frivolously, and punched him on the chest: "If you say one more word, there will be no talk between us."

This person is not talking about whether her relationship is good or not, he always brings it up to her.

It's not that she can't bear it, she just finds it boring to listen to.

It's useless for her to listen, this guy seems like a person who understands emotions very well.

She really wanted to say, since she understood so well, why did she choose the method of self-torture by two people?

That's not to say that Qingyin can't be dealt with.
Qingkuang held Qingxue's hand hanging down to him, made an OK gesture, and said with a smile: "Okay, I won't say anything, otherwise, a certain violent maniac is about to explode."
Qingxue glared frivolously: "Why did you go so early, I really didn't find you so ink-stained."

Frivolous: "." His ink marks?

If it wasn't for the person he cared about, he wouldn't even be bothered, and would still go to ink?
Leaning at Qingxue, she leaned into her ear and smiled evilly: "Qingxue, someday you will be wronged, please come to me to comfort your soul."

After that, he reached out and quickly grabbed her other hand that was attacking him again, not feeling amused: "I knew you would do this trick again."

Violent madness, indeed violent madness.

He wiped his sweat for Shi Tian.

Qingxue looked at frivolously with raised eyebrows, and snorted: "Let go, you're messing with you, I'm going to eat barbecue."

She is hungry, and she is going to have a barbecue.
"Okay, I'll bake it for you." Qingkuang let go of her hand, with a smile in his eyes.

Occasionally when he went out to play, he would bake them for them once in a while.

(End of this chapter)

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