Chapter 966

On the other side, frivolity went to a quieter place with Qingxue.

"Bring me here, did you think of a way?" Qingxue raised her eyebrows and looked frivolously.

The frivolous corner of his mouth was slightly pursed, and he said the scenery and the way he said it.

When Qingxue heard this, she immediately became furious: "No, you can find someone else for this."


There are no doors.

They are not people who like each other, she absolutely can't do this kind of thing.

With a frivolous chuckle: "Qingxue, don't you know about the angle problem? As long as Qingyin comes, we can adjust the angle. I won't kiss other women yet."

Apart from Qingyin, he would not kiss other women.

In his cognition, unless it is a woman he likes, he will never do such a thing.

The three black lines on Qingxue's forehead blew up again: "Are you despising me?"

How could she feel despised?

Spreading his hands frivolously, he smiled innocently: "No, I didn't say anything, you are thinking wrong."

He didn't dislike her, he was just telling a fact.

He likes Qingyin, so naturally he won't kiss other women.

Qingxue snorted, raised her eyebrows and looked frivolously: "Qingyin was taken away by mother, do you want to see the situation later?"

Do they want to see how Qingyin is doing first?
Frivolous narrowed his eyes slightly, and shook his head: "No, just do it, just this once."

He didn't think there would be any changes, so let's follow the original implementation.

Qingxue whistled: "OK."

She has nothing to lose, and she didn't really kiss anyway, it's just a show, who is afraid of others.

Afterwards, Qingyin and Nangong Xueling returned directly to the original road, wanting to tell frivolous her feelings.

However, when I returned to the original place, I didn't see the frivolous figure. I raised my eyes to look at a few people, and asked, "Where did the frivolous brother go?"

Feng Jin narrowed her eyes slightly, and pointed in one direction: "He and Qingxue left, went over there, I don't know why, you go and have a look."

In my heart, I thought to myself, if I go there, I will know what they are doing.

"Okay, then I'll go first." A smile floated in Qingyin's eyes, with a happy expression on her face, she turned and ran towards that direction.

After a while, I can see my frivolous brother, and my heart is full of joy.

When Feng Jin watched Qingyin leave, the expression on his face and the smile in his eyes froze, and he turned to look at Shitian and the others: "You don't think Qingyin is a little strange?"

It was a little strange and different from before.

He was still sullen and silent when he left, but now he is smiling.

Shi Tian shrugged, and squinted at Feng Jin: "Qingyin has always had this personality, it's just that you made her unhappy just now."
He didn't think there was any difference. After all, Qingyin had always been the liveliest one, so she wouldn't have any negative emotions.

Tian Zong curled his lips and smiled slightly: "I feel that there is a difference. Qingyin seems to be happier and more excited than before. Don't you guys feel it?"

Feimo nodded: "Yes, I'm happier than before. I don't know what Gan=Mom said to her. But it's fine as long as it's okay."

As long as Qingyin is fine, he is not very worried about the rest.

Feng Jin frowned, she also felt this way.

Looking up at the direction where Qingyin left, a little worry rose in his heart, and he murmured softly that nothing should go wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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