The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 971 I Like Him Very Much

Chapter 971 I Like Him Very Much
I never thought of intervening in the past, and similarly, I will not intervene.

There was a smile in Lan Ye's eyes, she turned her head to look at Mu Hanyue, and asked softly: "Some things have to be fought for by oneself. Whether it is ordinary or vigorous, whose life will be so ordinary, who will be so ordinary? Will his life be so uneventful?

There are no hurdles we cannot overcome, as long as we work hard, nothing is impossible for us. "

He thought this woman was very cute and nice.

Although they didn't know each other, it was the first time they met.

The corners of Qingyin's lips curled up slightly, and her voice was low, with a slight sigh: "You see the person you like is with someone else, what will you do?"

The depressed mood needs to be vented, don't keep suppressing it hard, it is very painful.

I was sulking alone, but no one knew.

She just needs a transition period, and wants to adjust her mentality and her mood.

Lan Ye smiled, looked up at the clear watery sky, and shook her head: "I don't know, I don't have anyone I like. However, I have seen the relationship between my mother and father, and they both get along very well. Well, we all have each other in our eyes, and we are in love with each other, with warmth and laughter in the ordinary, very happy."

The voice was very soft, very soft, as if it was quietly telling something.

He hasn't talked about feelings, but that doesn't mean he doesn't understand.
That kind of quiet and intimate love is his yearning and pursuit.

However, he was not in a hurry.

As for emotional matters, if you want to be together, then you have established a relationship with each other.

Qingyin picked up a few stones on the ground, and beat them towards the surface of the water boredly, causing ripples.
The complexity in my heart did not let go, and I shook my head: "Those don't belong to me, the man I like already has someone I like."

Speaking of this, the eyebrows frowned slightly, and the complexity in his heart had not been let go.

A heart is still aching slightly.

Frivolous, I already have someone I like.

That person is not just her.

Lan Ye hooked her lips and smiled slightly, locked her eyes on Qingyin, and smiled: "So, what about you? You like her, don't you?"

He just wanted to ask this first.

Qingyin didn't hide anything, staring at Lan Ye with both eyes, scratching her head: "I like it, I like it very much."

Even with this current appearance, even with the scene he saw today, he still felt slightly dazed.

The pain in her heart has always reminded her, so she can't forget it.

Like is like, will not change so quickly.

She likes to be frivolous, very much.

It's just that these likes can't be said out loud, and the taste will change if you say it out. Similarly, the original essence will also be changed.

Since he hasn't spoken yet, it doesn't matter if he rots in his stomach.

"Sometimes, when it's time to face it, we should face it. Life is like this. We can't always live under the light of others, seek protection, and not grow ourselves.

Avoiding and facing are just four words, and some people can't take it lightly after spending their whole life. "The corners of Lan Ye's lips curled slightly, and he chuckled.
There are always those people who, when encountering difficulties or things you can't do, just want to back down, just want to retreat.

They haven't tried it, so they can't know where their potential is, and whether they have been discarded by themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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