The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 973 There is a chapter to tell you

Chapter 973 I have something to tell you

"Qingyin, did I tell you, don't run around." The frivolous and deep voice of frivolity sounded at this moment.

However, at this moment, it seems particularly dangerous
Qingyin's body froze slightly, the smile on her face froze immediately, and she turned to look at the person behind her.
On her beautiful face, there was a wicked smile on her face.

How could he come?

However, listening to his tone of voice, Liu Mei frowned slightly.

Is she just not reassuring him?
In his eyes, she is just a child, isn't she?
An inexplicable displeasure rose in his heart, his brows furrowed slightly, he raised his eyes to look at frivolous, and said in a deep voice: "I will take care of my own affairs, I am not a child anymore, does frivolous brother think too much of me? Is it? Or do you think I don’t even know the way?”

She thinks it's mostly the latter.

She didn't even know the way.

Frivolous narrowed his eyes slightly and walked towards her step by step, his evil eyes became deeper and deeper.

This little guy, does she know what she's going to say?
Or are you mad at him?
After all, the scene he played with Qingxue today was all witnessed by her.

She must feel uncomfortable in her heart.

Looking at it like this, the thick flame that had just risen in his heart was extinguished a lot: "A person suddenly ran down, don't you plan to say hello to me? I will be worried."

He was really anxious and worried just now.

While anxious in my heart, I was overwhelmed by the overwhelming self-blame.

Now, seeing her, my heart has settled down.
Qingyin's eyes looked at the frivolous eyes, Ru Mo's eyes were deep, her brows were slightly frowned, she couldn't understand what he was thinking now.

Biting his lower lip, he suddenly felt that the depressed mood in his heart revived again.

Frowning deeply, he said in a deep voice: "I'm not a child, so frivolous brother doesn't even give me this little trust? Or do you mean that you don't believe in my strength?"

After finishing speaking, she didn't intend to pay any attention to him anymore, and turned to Lan Ye with a smile in her eyes: "Lan Ye, thank you today, I am very happy to meet you."

Because of meeting him, the negative emotions in her heart were much less, and her calm was restored. 
Lan Ye chuckled and shook her head: "You don't need to be so polite, as long as you have nothing to do. Since your friend is here, I will leave first."
Looking up at Frivolous, the corners of his lips curved slightly, he nodded towards him, then turned and left, his back was elegant and ethereal, very unique.

"Qingyin, are you familiar with him?" Frivolously frowning slightly, why has he never seen such a man.

When did Qingyin know him?
Qingyinmu looked at frivolity and smiled: "Brother frivolity, that's my business, don't you have to ask the bottom line to find out? When did you have this hobby?"

Although she was smiling, there was no trace of a smile in her eyes.

Want to laugh, but can't laugh.

There was a sarcastic arc on the corner of her mouth. It turned out that there were times when she couldn't laugh.

Frivolous looked at the sarcastic arc drawn by her reminder, frowned, and called out: "Qingyin, I have something to tell you."

He has something to say, he wants to confess, express his feelings to her, pour out his heart, and pour out his love.

Hurt her today, he felt he must be crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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