Chapter 981
She didn't know, it turned out that she had hurt him so much, that she called him frivolous brother, which made him love and hurt at the same time.
Ten years of waiting, like Fengjin, ten years of waiting.

Mo Wuchen didn't do anything to hurt Qingyin, but she did something to hurt Frivolous.

She refused the confession in the bamboo forest that day. After that, she saw the frivolous change in her eyes. She thought that he was just joking. If he really liked him, he would not change so quickly.

So, she didn't care much.

However, when she saw him holding hands with Qingxue, she just felt a little dazzling.

On the summit today, there were too many, too many scenes that happened.
She ignored the most real thoughts in her heart, so she hurt the person she also loved.

Little Qingyin, if you love her, you will love her deeply, and you will never change in this life, okay?
Little Qingyin, if you love her, you will love her deeply, and you will never change in this life, okay?
With a slight pain in his heart, he wrapped his hands around the frivolous neck, and his moist eyes were slightly red: "If you love deeply, you will never change this life, and you will stay with you to the death, and never leave."
The man in front of her is also the man she loves, the man she loves to the core, and her feelings have already penetrated deep into her bones.

It's just that she doesn't know it yet.

Now that I know, why continue to torture myself?
"I love you, frivolous brother." Qingyin buried her head in frivolous chest, and finally said the words in her heart.

She loved him, very much.

Seeing the feelings in her heart clearly, there is nothing to say. She was on the top of the summit today and planned to confess her love to him, but she got stuck in the scene of their acting.

There are mixed feelings in my heart, and they are abused, but luckily they are still together.

Good thing I didn't miss anything, I didn't miss anything
Hugging Qingyin in his arms frivolously, his arms tightened a bit, the corners of his lips slowly curled up, and he buried his head in her neck, without speaking, without moving, without any words.

The silence speaks.

There is a tacit understanding between each other's hearts, and the feelings are constantly growing. The two hearts are close together, getting closer to each other, very close, very close.

Blue sky and white clouds, surrounded by mountains and rivers, the two figures embraced each other in the sea of ​​flowers, they were not taken away by the flowers, but they were particularly conspicuous.

Frivolously left Qingyin's neck, and looked at her with fixed eyes: "Qingyin, from now on, you are mine, and I have already marked you, and you can't rely on it anymore."

Ru Mo's eyes are full of absolute doting, the evil and alluring Danfeng eyes, at this moment, add a charm to him.
He won't let her go again, she is his, his.

Qingyin looked at Qingkuang unconsciously, and chuckled lightly: "Brother Qingkuang, you have always been mine."

After speaking, she stood on tiptoe and kissed him quickly on the lips.

She wanted to leave, but how could frivolity give her a chance?

What's more, if she took the initiative, it would be even more impossible.

Clasping the back of her head with one hand, wrapping around her waist with the other, kissing her cherry lips with sexy thin lips, deepening the kiss.

A deep and evil voice sounded beside Qingyin's ear: "Qingyin, close your eyes and follow my sister, if you bite me again, I will punish you."

Qingyin's cheeks twitched suddenly, and became slightly hot. He still remembered her biting him.

(End of this chapter)

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