Chapter 993

Do not deny, that is a fact.

If she didn't enlighten Qingyin, they would indeed take some detours.

Nangong Xueling raised her eyebrows and looked frivolously, and smiled jokingly: "Stinky boy, you still came to my house after going around for a while."

She has always been optimistic about frivolity, and she likes it very much.

Therefore, if he is with Qingyin, everyone will be happy.

He smiled frivolously and innocently: "I didn't say I didn't like Qingyin, goddammit, you don't know people clearly, you just can't see through them."

He had already liked Qingyin since he was a child, but she didn't know about it, and she didn't see it through.

Nangong Xueling waved her hand: "Come on, let's go, I'm too lazy to tell you more." Turning around to leave, she stopped suddenly, looked at several people with raised eyebrows and asked, "Seeing Shi Tian and Qing Xue Yet?"

She went to Qingxue's room to look for her just now, but she didn't see anyone, and she didn't know where she went.

She remembered that she was taken away by Shi Tian, ​​didn't she go to see the sunset?Why is there no one there.

It's already dark now, and I haven't come back yet.

The three shook their heads and replied in unison: "I didn't see it."

They did not see it.

Nangong Xueling murmured to herself: "Where did they go, did they go on a date?"

Go on a date, and won't come at night.

Curling your lips, will it be so?
Why is there a faint worry in her heart?
But I don't know why.

Qingyin smiled: "Mother, Qingxue is very sensible, she knows what she should do and what she should not do, and she will take care of herself. Besides, there is a Shitian beside her, you don't need to worry about it. So, you can rest assured."

She felt that nothing would happen to Qingxue, so how could something happen to such a strong woman, such a fiery woman?

She and Shi Tian are not jealous, and it is impossible to encounter danger. If the two develop a relationship, the result will really not be known.

Nangong Xueling pursed her lips slightly and nodded: "Well, I should be overthinking."

She felt that nothing would happen, both of them were normal.

Martial arts are so high, no one can hurt them.


The night is as cool as water, and the evening breeze is gentle, with a hint of coolness.

The ruddy sun adds a touch of color to the sunny day.

The sky is so blue, there is not even a trace of floating flakes, as if all the variegated colors have been filtered out, shining magnificently.

A few thin white clouds floated slowly with the wind, as if they had been melted by the sun.

The sky is clear, the morning glow is all over the sky, and the days when the golden light coats everything and the sun shines are really refreshing.

Deep in the cliff, surrounded by clouds and mist, intricate trees grow one by one, very dense.

The breeze blows by, rolling up the leaves on the tree and slowly falling down.

Under the big tree, there are red flowers and green leaves, the sun is like fire, and the golden light is shining down, filling the earth.

Two figures were lying on the ground, the woman was lying on the man's chest, she was very quiet, her face was slightly pale, as if she had fallen into a deep sleep, and there was no movement at all.

The woman's finger moved slightly, and flicked slightly.

The long eyelashes flickered slightly, and the brows were tightly furrowed, as if he had a nightmare.

The fingers flicked again, the eyelashes trembled slightly, and those tightly closed eyes finally opened at this moment.

Qingxue glanced around, froze for a moment, then turned to look at the man below her.

A look of shock flashed across her beautiful face, and her heart beat suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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