Chapter 995
Looking at this scene, Qingxue cursed unknowingly: "Idiot, why are you so excited when you are injured? Do you want to beat me up? Seeing your limp and harmless appearance now, I want to twitch You, don't talk to me."

Although he said it harshly, the worry in his eyes was obvious.

Stretching out his hand and wiping off the blood at the corner of Shitian's mouth with his sleeve, he looked at his whole body and asked worriedly; "Shitian, is there any other injury besides his back?"

He is covered in blood now, and she can't see where he was injured.

No matter where the injury is, it must be healed quickly.

Minor injuries can be discussed later, but serious injuries cannot be delayed for too long.

If it hurts a vital point, it must be treated immediately, otherwise it will leave sequelae.

Now I don't know if her mother and the others have found out that something happened to the two of them. Before they find them, they have to rely on themselves first.

Looking around, the road is full of trees and there is no one.

Not many people have discovered this peak, so there may be no one at the bottom of the cliff.

It seems that they can only rely on themselves.

Shi Tian shook his head: "It's okay, my body is in good shape, but my back hurts a bit." After speaking, he glanced at Qingxue: "Should you lose weight, it's so heavy."

Qingxue was confused in the wind: "..."

Is now the time to say this?Is now the time to say this?

Damn, is she heavy?

It's not heavy at all, she doesn't think it's heavy at all.

Glaring at Shi Tian, ​​he snorted: "If you talk about it again, I will leave you here alone to feed the wild wolves, and you will fend for yourself and wait to be eaten by the wild wolves."

This man is so restless after being injured.

The corners of Shi Tian's lips curved slightly, and he wanted to say something, but his voice suddenly stopped.

Although he was injured, his hearing and sensing ability did not diminish.

He raised his eyes and looked at Qingxue, both of them had the same expression.

There was a rustling sound in the woods. Although it was very small, the two of them had extremely high sensing ability, and they discovered the sound immediately.

The two turned their heads to look at the source of the sound, their eyes sank slightly.

Speaking of Cao Cao, when Cao Cao arrived, a wolf really came.

Want to be so ingenious?
Shi Tian snorted coldly: "It's all a good thing you said out loud, your lunch is here, hurry up and settle it."

What did this man really say, what was it that made the screeching sound if it wasn't a wolf?
Qingxue raised her eyebrows, and raised her chin arrogantly: "If you come, you will come, it happens that there is no lunch, so let's just have it."

It's just a wolf, nothing to be afraid of.

When Lan Zihan was training them, he put them into a forest filled with various animals, and let them stay there for seven days without bringing any dry food, and let them figure out everything by themselves in the forest.

Therefore, when encountering this wolf, there is nothing to be afraid of at all, and it has long been used to it.

Not far from the two of them, a black wolf was staring at the two of them, its eyes were full of green light, with greed, low viciousness, and cruelty.

Without thinking too much, it can be seen that it already regards the two of them as a meal on his plate.

It's not surprising to think about it, in this sparsely populated place, it's a good thing that two people can come out.

The wolves inside must have not eaten enough and were hungry.

(End of this chapter)

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