Chapter 997
In this way, he died!
It is conceivable how powerful the precision and deadly damage of those two moves are.

Qingxue snorted coldly: "If you want to eat people in front of me, you want to die."

Dare to have any thoughts about Shitian in front of her, she destroyed it.

Shi Tian lay in place from the beginning to the end, very leisurely.

It was the same when he saw the wolf flying over his head, he didn't move at all, he didn't panic at all.

He believed that Qingxue would handle it well, believed in her strength, believed that she could do it.

This is a tacit understanding that has been cultivated since childhood, and it has been deeply rooted, very deep, very deep.

Qingxue came to Shitian's side, carefully lifted him up, glanced at the bloody back, and felt a slight pain in her eyes.

The coquettish blood seemed to be reminding her that his injury was different for her, and it was for her.

Facts, too.

It was because of her that Shi Tian jumped down.

It was because of her that Shi Tian held her in his arms and exposed himself to the outside.

When she fell, she only suffered some minor injuries, but he looked like this.

The white teeth opened slightly, and he asked, "Apart from the back, where is the injury? You'd better tell me the truth."

The voice was not very forceful, but worried naturally.

She couldn't see where else he was hurt, and she would only know if she asked him.

Shi Tian didn't hide it, and replied truthfully; "The left leg seems to be hurt to the bone, and I can't walk, Qingxue, it's your chance to show, you are so fat, just right, come and carry me."

The words were not serious at all, and Bank was not at all dignified by the words he said.

He still looked so relaxed, but there was a touch of frivolity in his words.

The sky, which was originally golden, became cloudy at this moment, and the dark clouds enveloped the entire sky, making it a bit gloomy.

In this weather, even a fool knows what's going on.

It's going to rain, it's a harbinger of rain.

Qingxue's eyebrows furrowed slightly, and in such a situation, she didn't have the intention to continue arguing with her, she put his arm on her shoulder, slowly lifted him up, and said in a deep voice: "It's going to rain, Let's find a place to shelter from the rain."

There are pros and cons to rain.

The rain can dilute the bloody smell, but with Shi Tian's current appearance, he can't be exposed to the rain at all, otherwise, it will only aggravate the injury.

"Okay." Shi Tian nodded without objecting.

Qingxue picked up the dead wolf and handed it to Shi Tian: "Here, I'll give you a barbecue later."

Shi Tian nodded, took Hei Lang and did not speak, his entire body weight was almost on Qing Xue's body.

The two figures slowly disappeared here, the figures became hazy, and gradually disappeared.

This is the case at the bottom of the cliff.

And above the summit, everyone finally found out that something was wrong.

"There is news from Li Feng that the two of them have not returned to Prince Chen's Mansion." Lan Zihan looked at the crowd and said in a low voice.

There was a serious look between his eyebrows.

"Mother, will something happen to Qingxue and Shitian?" Feng Jin looked at Lan Zihan, with a hint of worry gradually floating in his eyes.

They didn't notice it yesterday because they didn't think about it.

Now, after not seeing them for a day, I finally realized that something was wrong.

Everyone knows the characters of the two of them, and they will not leave without saying goodbye, nor will they make them worry.

(End of this chapter)

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