Autumn of the 17th year of Chongzhen

Chapter 772 Sending You Across the River

Chapter 772 Sending You Across the River
In a big mansion in the south of Nanjing City, Zhao Zhilong, the honorable minister of the Ming Dynasty guarding Nanjing, changed into a mang suit bestowed by Emperor Yizong and sat in the main hall.

The servants and their family members in the house were in a panic, carrying burdens and holding porcelain, running around the yard and rooms, looking like a tree fell and a monkey scattered.

The great change of the King's Banner in Nanjing City naturally required a liquidation. When the Ming soldiers raided the city, many Hongguang officials in the inner city who surrendered to Qing at that time and did not participate in the anti-Qing movement after that were bound to be implicated.

Zhao Zhilong, the honorable minister who once guarded Nanjing, could not escape this disaster no matter what.

Historically, Qian Qianyi was more famous for kneeling down on Xiancheng, but in fact Qian Qianyi was just an unscrupulous hypocrite, a literati with no soldiers in his hands, and the one who really controlled Nanjing was Xuncheng Zhao Zhilong.

Four years later, retribution came, Zhao Zhilong never thought that this day would come so soon.

At this time Zhao Zhilong was sitting in the main hall slumped, an old servant ran in scrambling, panicked and said: "Master, the Ming army broke in."

When the Ming army besieged the city, he had a premonition that such a day would come, and his whole body was extremely terrified, but at this moment, after hearing what the old servant said, he was just depressed for a while.

"Everyone has escaped, you should also take something and leave quickly!" Zhao Zhilong sat in the middle hall and waved his hand feebly.

Before he finished speaking, a group of soldiers led by a Ming general broke in and shouted loudly: "No one is allowed to leave, every plant and tree here is now the property of the imperial court, who dares to try!"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Zhao Zhilong who was seated in the main hall, looked him up and down, and said with a sneer, "It's too late to change into Daming's clothes now! Are you going to go by yourself? Or will someone take you?"

Zhao Zhilong just sat and kept silent, the general didn't have the patience to wait for him, and immediately ordered: "Both of you, tie him up, and the rest of you, let me search the house and move out all valuables. Seal the house again. Move more quickly, there are still a few more."

In the city of Nanjing, the officials who voted for the Qing Dynasty at the beginning, such as Wang Duo, Marquis of Linhuai, Sun Weicheng, Marquis of Huaining, Tang Guozuo, Marquis of Lingbi, Liu Zuochang, Marquis of Anyuan, Xu Hongjue, Marquis of Yongchang, and Xu Yunjue, the Duke of Wei, the descendant of Xu Da, were also arrested. check.

In the streets of Nanjing city, teams of Ming troops came and went. Some of them, who had earned a huge family business because they surrendered to the Qing Dynasty and worked for the Qing court, lost everything in an instant and became prisoners of the next generation.

It's really seeing him get up from Zhulou, seeing him entertain guests, seeing his building collapse.

When the Ming army liquidated the demoted officials in the inner city, all the banner people in the imperial city were also driven out by the Ming army, and the soldiers began to search the banner people's property.

After Wang Yan carried the coffin of Emperor Daxing into the palace, it was handed over to King Tang and Minister of Rites Gu Yuanjing to prepare for burial according to the regulations. He then came to the military camp in the north of the city, where a large number of green battalion soldiers and Qi Ding and his family.

Wang Yan came to the gate of the camp on horseback, and Liu Shun hurriedly greeted him and held the reins for him.

Wang Yan dismounted, threw the whip to the soldiers, and asked, "Has Hong Chengchou been imprisoned?"

"Keep it in Dongying, the general will bring that servant to meet His Highness!"

Liu Shun was about to leave as he said that, but Wang Yan waved his hand to signal that he was not busy, and then said, "Shut it up first, you take me to see Bo Luo and his gang!"

"His Royal Highness is really going to let them go?" Liu Shun was reluctant and anxious.

Wang Yan smiled, "Where are you talking so much nonsense, I let you lead the way!"

Liu Shun had no choice but to lead Wang Yan and others through the camp, and came to a school field not long after.

Wang Yan saw about 5000 people, men and women, old and young, squatting on the school grounds, surrounded by soldiers of the Ming army standing upright with guns, staring fiercely at the flags on the school grounds. If there is any abnormal movement, even if someone doesn't like it, it will be a brutal beating, but these eight banners who used to be arrogant, now appear unusually docile.

Wang Yan took a look, and then walked directly to the high platform in front of the school field. The Ming army stopped the violence when they saw Wang Yan coming.

Boluo, who is squatting, is now full of shame in his heart. The prince of the Manchu Dynasty should be high above him, and the Han people are his slaves. He felt deeply ashamed, and if it wasn't for someone around him holding him back, he might have already had an attack.

Wang Yan stood on the stage and looked down at the school field. When the bannermen on the school field found him, they immediately became agitated, knowing that the fateful moment was coming.

"King Hengyang, I don't know if your words count?" Seeing Wang Yan's arrival, Bo Luo finally stood up and asked loudly.

Wang Yan looked at him with a smile, "It turned out to be the king of Ruizhong County. You can rest assured that Zhengshuo of the Central Plains is no better than your dog Rong state. This feudal lord has written all over the world with faith and righteousness. He has always said what he said, and what he said naturally counts!"

When the bannermen and their family members on the school ground heard this, there was a sudden buzz.

Boluo couldn't believe it, Wang Shiheng was kicked in the head by a donkey, and he still promised himself some faith.

"Then King Hengyang, when will you let us cross the river!" Boluo shouted without confidence.

Wang Yan did not answer him, but said to the entire school grounds and family members: "I said before, if you are willing to stay, stay, and if you don't want to stay, I will let you cross the river. Now you decide Those who stay stand on the left, and those who do not want to stay stand on the right. I will give you half a quarter of an hour!"

Everyone on the school grounds was taken aback for a moment, this was so refreshing, so refreshing that it made people feel frightened, and no one dared to move for a long time.

"Didn't you hear what your Highness said?" Liu Shun shouted violently when he saw that they were looking at him and he saw you not moving.

On the school grounds, many people looked at Bo Luo, he was the prince, and the bannermen followed him to choose.

"My lord, the Ming army conquered Nanjing and they need to rest. Did Wang Yan want to show his favor to the Qing Dynasty and then talk about peace!" Lang Tingzuo's thoughts were simply unconstrained, he whispered to Bo Luo.

Bo Luo also needed a reason to explain Wang Yan's behavior. After thinking about it carefully, it seemed that Lang Tingzuo's words were really reasonable.

After fighting for four years, the Qing Dynasty was tired, the treasury was exhausted, and the Ming army was also struggling. I am afraid that they were also heavily in debt and went bankrupt long ago. Both sides needed to rest and recuperate.

In fact, no matter whether the reason is reasonable or not, it is impossible for Boluo to choose to stay, "Go, go to the right!"

After speaking, he walked to the right, and most of the bannermen also walked to the right when they saw this.

The crowd quickly parted, Lang Tingzuo was about to leave, but saw Tong Tulai whose leg was crushed, he came over kindly, stretched out his hand and said, "Lao Lai, I'll help you pass!"

Unexpectedly, Tong Tulai shook his head and rejected Lang Tingzuo's kindness, which made Lang Tingzuo surprised for a while, but then he realized that Jiangnan's defeat must be blamed on someone, and Tong Tulai must be blamed , It is reasonable for him not to go back.

Seeing this, Lang Tingzuo didn't say much, it was a good thing for them that Tong Tulai didn't go back, and when the Qing court pursued the responsibility, he could push all the responsibility to Tong Tulai who stayed in the Ming camp.

Thinking of this, Lang Tingzuo withdrew his hand and nodded. He was about to leave when Tong Tulai said to himself: "If Nanjing falls, the world will inevitably be full of chaos. The county prince betrayed Governor Hong to save his own life." , the general trend of the world, I am afraid it will be reversed, I stay in the Ming camp, maybe Tong's family can keep a bloodline in the future."

Lang Tingzuo was slightly taken aback, looked at Tong Tulai, a little shocked in his heart, but he still turned and left.Tong Tulai called his two confidantes and helped him walk to the left.

In a short while, the 5000 people were divided into two parts. There were more than 4000 people who were willing to go back, and less than [-] people who were not willing to go back together.

Seeing this, Wang Yan nodded, beckoned to Liu Shun, let him come over, and explained a few words, Liu Shun showed joy on his face, immediately cupped his fists, then walked forward, waved his hand and said: "Okay, Pinch of birds, I will send you across the river, and you will come out of the motherfuckers."

After he finished speaking, he asked his soldiers to drive those who chose to cross the river to leave the school grounds. After they had left, Wang Yan looked at the rest of the people and said, "Since you choose to stay, I will keep my promise and protect you." It's safe, you stay here for now, arrangements will be made later."

After finishing speaking, Wang Yan turned around and left. He only kept these banner men and did not kill them. One was to plan for the future, and the other was because he found that sometimes it would be much easier to have a group of banner men to serve.For example, it is much easier to cheat a city, a group of bald pigtails, speak Manchu, or use a Guanwai dialect than the Ming army to cheat a city.

In the north of Nanjing, on the river outside the Shence Gate, more than 4000 bannermen and their family members crowded the riverside. Ming soldiers pointed their guns at them, causing a commotion.

"Liu Shun, since the King of Hengyang said to let us cross the river, what do you want to do?" Boluo felt that something was wrong and asked loudly.

"This town is sending you across the river!" Liu Shun smiled.

"Where's the boat? Where's the boat crossing the river?" Lang Tingzuo's expression changed drastically.

"Your Highness asked this town to let you cross the river, but he didn't ask this town to prepare any boats for you!" Liu Shun smiled cruelly.

 Thanks to Happy Woodpecker for 500, God Mushroom for 200, puzzydog for your tip, thank you for your monthly pass, subscription, and recommendation.

(End of this chapter)

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