Chapter 824
After the Budou battalion broke out, the Ming army on the other side also suddenly got up from the vast snowy forest, and rushed out of the woods roaring.

The Ming soldiers were all wearing white cloaks, and they were lying in the woods covered with thick snow. The Qing soldiers didn't notice anything at all. Now, in the woods a hundred paces away, nearly ten thousand horses were suddenly killed. How could the Qing soldiers not be surprised.

The river valley is winding, with woods on both sides, not as wide as the entrance of the valley, there is room for the cavalry to turn around, many cavalry have not mounted their horses, the Ming army has rushed in front of them, and the valley bottom instantly turned into a pot state, Not only was the Qing army chaotic, but the Ming army that came out was also very chaotic.

However, there is a difference between the chaos of the two armies. The generals of the Qing army did not know the soldiers, and the soldiers did not know the generals. Everyone was in chaos. Taking hundreds of households as a team, they are interspersed around and are dividing and encircling the Qing army.

The Qing army was attacked suddenly, coupled with the long-distance running without a break, it was impossible to organize defense for a while, and countless Qing troops fled in the valley, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

Azig watched the Ming army in white cloaks bursting out of the woods.Seeing the gunmen of the Ming army beating gongs and drums, firing their guns forward, the Qing soldiers who were changing horses suddenly became a living target, shooting bullets like a rainstorm, and pounced on the unprepared Qing army, only to hear a shrill scream, The Qing soldiers covered their throats and eyes, and there were countless people who fell to the ground and rolled.

When Azig called out, many soldiers who had just woken up from a dream, under the panic, instead aroused their spirits, forgetting their fatigue, and hurriedly climbed on their horses and gathered around Azig.

At this time, the Ming army strived for a random word, absolutely not allowing the Qingqi to restore the organizational system, the gongs and drums of "Dong Dong Dong" sounded, and a row of guns dispersed the gathered Qing soldiers. The Qing cavalry gathered around Azig, Immediately fell down one piece.

The standing cavalry is a living target. Azig saw the Ming army roaring in unison, sweeping away the despondent Qing army with a destructive momentum. The Ming army on both sides of the forest rushed to the center of the valley like a tide, strangling the chaotic Qing army. , suddenly upset.

One side is the Qing army that has just broken through Hao Yaoqi and has no time to rest in the future. The manpower is exhausted and the horses are exhausted, and the Qing army is suddenly attacked.

After Xinye was seized and Shang Kexi fled north, even after the Ming army traveled thousands of miles and raided the Qing army's Hekou camp, no matter what Azig did, he could not reverse his fate of failure.

The Qing army was in disarray and unable to resist, and those who were chased by the Ming army gradually scattered and fled.

"Hurry up! Break out to the north!" Seeing this, Azig found that the Qing army could no longer organize resistance, so he clamped his horse's belly, whipped the horse, and shouted loudly, beckoning the Qing army to break out to the north.

On the battlefield, it was chaotic, and it was impossible to command many people by roaring. This was also the reason why the Qing army was in chaos when it was suddenly attacked, because the command system had collapsed.

Azig yelled a few times, but his voice was quickly drowned out by the wailing and frightened cries of the Qing soldiers.

Fortunately, his king's flag and banner did not fall, and he continued to follow behind him. The Qing army in chaos, seeing the banner moving north, knew that the commander was about to flee, and the Qing army, who was afraid of being left behind, immediately began to move towards the banner. Advance in the direction of the flag.

Banners in a panic, once they had a target, they actually formed a considerable force. Even though they were very tired, they still showed their bravery and posed a big threat to the Ming army.

Several Ming army hundred families wanted to block the exit, but they were all broken by the ruthless Qingqi, and they fled northward following Azig's big banner.

It wasn't until the Dazhu Banner went far away and left the battlefield that the Ming army blocked the opening, but the Qing army, which could not see the Dazhu Banner, immediately fell into collapse.

Azig was running all the way, and the sound of shouting and killing behind him gradually disappeared. At this moment, he looked back and felt extremely desolate in his heart.

At this time, the team behind him dragged on for a long time, and it was impossible to count the losses in a short period of time. I don't know how many of the 5000 people will escape. I can only hope that the great shaman will bless him.

Fu Lehe chased after him, his face was full of panic, "Ama, what should we do now?"

Azig's horses kept moving, and they slowed down a little, so that the routs behind could follow up, "The Ming army is here to ambush, and now I can only hope that there are no Ming troops ahead."

"What if there are more?" Fu Lehe asked worriedly.

Azige's face darkened, he had to give confidence to his subordinates, "Also, this king will take you through three levels in a row and take you out!"

Breaking through three passes in a row is a bold statement, but even though he said that, Azig knew that the Qing army was at the end of its strength and would never be able to withstand another stop. Azige could only pray in his heart, never Meet Ming Jun.

The horses were galloping, and Azig was galloping ahead. At this moment, Baihe suddenly turned a corner in front of his eyes. Qing cavalry, with slanted armor, followed Azig to turn the corner, but suddenly heard the neighing of the horse, Azig Zige sat down on the charcoal horse and was reined in, with its front hooves hanging in the air, and it stopped suddenly.

Qingqi, who came around the corner, also reined in their horses one after another, and the horses neighed immediately. Qingqi looked at the bend of the river valley with fear on his face.

The cold wind was howling, and the flags were blowing loudly. There was a crowd of people in front of the Qing army, and a bright sun and moon flag fluttered in the cold wind, showing their identities.

There is really a third hurdle, and the Qing army can't help but look ashamed.

This Ming army has obviously been waiting for a long time. In front of it is a forest of canine-toothed guns, behind it are gunmen who are loading ammunition, and on each side are more than 2000 Ming army cavalry. Eyes fixed on the meandering Qing army.

The Qing army dragged on for a long time. After turning the corner sparsely, they looked up and saw the large formation of the Ming army blocking the way. All of them had pale faces. There were more than a thousand soldiers and horses, and there was a dead silence.

It was just that they escaped from the pack of wolves, and encountered fierce tigers blocking the way, which made many Qing soldiers despair.

"My lord..."


A group of Qing generals surrounded the backbone, Azig didn't say much, and slowly drew out the sword from his waist. He hadn't personally charged into battle for many years, but today the hero was at the end of his life, and no one could save him. If he wanted to survive, he would Only to fight in person.

"Warrior of the Eight Banners, we will conquer North Korea in the east, conquer Mongolia in the west, and destroy Li Chuang in the south. We have not met an opponent in more than [-] years, and the world allows me to ride my iron horse." Azige drew out his knife and shouted loudly: "I don't believe it. Who in the world can stand against you, today the God of Changbai Mountain will bless you, the warriors of the Qing Dynasty will follow the king to make another pass, let the Nanmanzi see the Eight Banners soldiers, how about it?"

(Thank you for the lazy reward, thank you for your subscription, monthly pass, and recommendation)
(End of this chapter)

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