Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 1022 It's clearly the one in sister-in-law's house

Chapter 1022 It's clearly the one in sister-in-law's house
Yu Xiaowan, Lu Mu and Lu Jiaxin went to see Grandpa Lu and Grandma Lu.

Grandma Lu, who had always been worried about their poor life, was finally relieved when she saw Lu Mu and the others come back happily, looking well-fed.

Especially when I heard that Lu Mu not only had a job but also found one for Lu Jiaxin, and even told Lu Jiaxin to work hard and not worry about family affairs.

For weddings and ceremonies in rural areas at this moment, it is still better to invite master chefs to come to the house to personally cook, and make dozens or even dozens of tables at once.

There will be a wedding tomorrow, and some master chefs will come to the house in the afternoon to prepare for the banquet.

Lu Mu and the others didn't stay at Grandma Lu's house for long, they gave the gift to Grandma Lu, talked for a while, and then returned to Lu's house.

Grandpa Lu was also thinking about tomorrow, so he came with him.

In the yard, Father Lu and Lu Wei directed the master chefs where to set up a large stove and pot, while helping each other to do what they could.

When Lu Mu saw it, he went back to the house to change his clothes and prepared to join in, but when he and Yu Xiaowan entered the door, he suddenly felt hot.

It was only then that they discovered that their house had been cleaned up by someone. Although the cleaning was not very careful, the table and the floor had obviously been cleaned. How could it look like there was a thick layer of dust on it when they came back?
The most important thing is that there is an electric heater on the floor of the house.

"This is the same as the one in sister-in-law's house," Yu Xiaowan said.

She had been to the sister-in-law's house just now, and there was such an electric heater on the floor of the main room of their house.

It should be specially added for fear of being cold during confinement in nine cold days.

Could it be that the mother-in-law was merciful and bought two electric heaters at once, and gave them one when they came back?
As soon as this idea appeared, it was rejected by Yu Xiaowan.

"No, this should be the one in my sister-in-law's house. I remember that there is also a stain on the electric heater in her house."

This is clearly the one in the sister-in-law's house.

Lu Mu did not expect that there would be an electric heater in the house.

Yu Xiaowan was afraid of the smell of coal after gas poisoning, so they would rather freeze than light a coal fire when they came back in previous years.

The electric heater consumes too much electricity, and my mother will not allow it.

Even if he buys an electric heater after killing it first, he may not know what kind of words will come out of his mother's mouth.

He didn't want his Xiaowan to be scolded by his mother all the time for no reason.

But did not expect ...

"You can ask your sister-in-law in a while, and you will know? By the way, let's see if their house is cold, and if they have other heating tools. If it doesn't work, I'll go to town and buy another one later."

While talking, Lu Mu took off the woolen coat on his body, and put on an ordinary cotton coat that he often wears at home.

"It's okay," Yu Xiaowan glanced out, "Your mother seems to be in the sister-in-law's house right now, can I go later?"

She really can't deal with her mother-in-law.

If it was an outsider, she could still go back, but it was Lu Mu's mother after all.

Hard ones won't work, and she won't do soft ones either.

Lu Mu replied without thinking, "Okay, you can clean up the house first, I'll go outside and have a look."


At this time, mother Lu was indeed in Li Ying's room, losing her temper about the electric heater.

"I gave you money to buy electric heaters for the sake of your children. Fortunately, you even sent them to the other side. Are they adults afraid of freezing? What if the children are damaged by the freeze?"

Li Ying was also helpless, she originally wanted her husband to secretly send it to the second house, but her mother-in-law happened to see it.

(End of this chapter)

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