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Chapter 1027 How about stealing someone away?

Chapter 1027 How about stealing someone away?
Ever since she went to Jin City, her relationship with Lu Mu has become better and better. Mother Yu was delighted to see it, and kept praising Grandpa Yu for finding a good marriage for her, calling her lucky.

But she didn't know that Yu Xiaowan was blessed, not her Yu Xiaowan.

Thinking of this, Yu Xiaowan's eyes darkened.

When Lu Mu came back from washing, he saw the little girl was still sitting on the kang in the original posture, with her hands hugging her knees, her eyes were downcast, what was she thinking?
"Still asleep, waiting for me?"

Lu Mu reached out and shook her little feet, "Wait for me to wash your feet?"

Yu Xiaowan is ticklish, and there are a lot of itchy flesh all over her body. Just such a simple movement of holding her feet makes her feel a little itchy and wants to shrink her feet back.

It's just that the strength of that big hand was a bit strong, and she shrank a little, but she didn't escape the restraint of that big hand.

"It's been washed, no need."

She replied, knowing that she was in the wrong mood just now, so she changed the subject.

"Jiaxin cried for a long time this afternoon. My sister-in-law and I persuaded her for a long time, but in the end her eyes were swollen from crying. It seemed that she was really hurt."

In the afternoon, Lu Jiaxin went to Li Ying's room. Seeing that Yu Xiaowan and Li Ying were both there, she couldn't help crying.

Yu Xiaowan knew that her last marriage was an insurmountable pain in Lu Jiaxin's heart, but she didn't expect that Lu's mother would poke her scar again and again.

He even said that Da Zhutou's marriage did not dislike Lu Jiaxin's second marriage.

In Mother Lu's eyes, her own daughter just had an unfortunate marriage, so isn't she a fool?
Yu Xiaowan was once again grateful for the way she brought Lu Jiaxin to Jin City, and at the same time, she also understood why Lu's mother always disliked her and Lu Mu when she came back this time.

It seemed that she and Lu Mu were the ones who encouraged Lu Jiaxin to divorce.

Lu Mu nodded, "I heard it."

They were in the yard. Although the quarrel between mother and Jiaxin was not very clear, she knew that they were unhappy.

"Mom said that Jiaxin would not be allowed to go to Jin City with us in the New Year, so she meant to let Jiaxin stay at home and say hello to her. Your mother is also true. Jiaxin is her biological daughter. No one has ever disliked her. A failed marriage, she despises it first. With her temperament, what kind of marriage can she tell Jiaxin? Is it a fool like Dazhu? Even if she finds someone who can talk about it, it’s okay if Jiaxin likes him , What if you don’t like it? It’s better to be single like this, during this time in Jinshi, I think Jiaxin is also very happy living alone.”

She knew that if Jiaxin stayed at home and let Lu's mother tell her about her husband's family, then it would not be Jiaxin's decision.

Just like the last time, a fool like Da Zhu can let her marry, so what autonomy does she have?

Lu Mu does not deny this point, Lu Jiaxin has changed a lot in the past half a year, and he has noticed every bit of it.

"Tell me, what if Mom really doesn't let Jiaxin go to Jinshi?"

Yu Xiaowan raised her head, her eyes full of worry.

"What do you want?"

Lu Mu answered without asking.

"Let's wait at the entrance of the village, how about stealing someone away?"

Speaking of this, a cunning flashed in the little girl's eyes.

Lu Mu chuckled, "No need to steal, she wants to leave, no one can stop her."

Even if the mother doesn't let anyone go, there is still the father.

He believed his father was sensible.

No matter how bad it is, there are grandparents.

And he also understands his sister's temperament.

(End of this chapter)

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