Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 1046 Everyone Says He Has Courage

Chapter 1046 Everyone Says He Has Courage
"Is there?" Lin Dongyang turned his hands away from his eyes and looked over and over again, "It really is, but I really didn't mean it, it's because my fingers are used to it."

Yu Xiaowan was too lazy to talk to him, so she patted Lu Mu on the shoulder and motioned him to put herself down.

Of course Lu Mu was very unhappy, but he also knew that the little daughter-in-law was thin-skinned, and it was rare for her not to be so ashamed to go into the house at the moment, but he still kissed her little face when he put her down.

It caused Lin Dongyang to scream again.

"In broad daylight, the world is bright and bright. I said that you two are too tired. Did you get bored during the time you got home? How about I come back later and give you two space for a while, is an hour enough?"

"You are enough, Skinny Monkey."

Seeing that Lin Dongyang was talking more and more without closing the door, Yu Xiaowan picked up the pillow of the chair and threw it over.

Lin Dongyang reached out to catch it, raised his eyebrows and glanced at Lu Mu, with a smirk on his face, "I don't think one hour is enough."

Lu Mu knew that the daughter-in-law would be annoyed if Lin Dongyang continued talking, so he changed the subject.

"Is something wrong?"

"It's nothing serious, I just know you're back and come over to take a look."

Lin Dongyang walked towards the sofa and sat down while talking.

There was no hot water at home, so Yu Xiaowan simply put down her pen and boiled water.

In the room, Lu Mu took Lin Dongyang's cigarette without lighting it, and then sat across from him, "Mr. Wang, Uncle Lin and the others will celebrate the New Year well."

"It's great, but my mother asked me about my pairing this year. You said that my mother did the same, and her handwriting was also wrong. She was thinking about the fat woman's pairing and complained that I didn't remind the fat woman to go back to her hometown. Write out the pair, it’s just right, and I’ll take two pairs back to deal with business in a while.”

Seeing the pair written on the table, Lin Dongyang didn't speak politely.

"Isn't the pair already posted by now? Why does Aunt Wang still need a pair?"

Yu Xiaowan returned to the table, picked up the pen again, and asked casually.

Lin Dongyang leaned back on the sofa, and said lazily, "I don't know, I know that she is reluctant to post the pairs you gave, and keeps them all. I see, you don't write pairs, just write a word, I'll go frame it and let my mother hang it in the study, doesn't she like your handwriting? Then let her read it every day."

Yu Xiaowan smiled and said nothing, how could she have the nerve to make such an ugly face?
She is still quite confident in painting, but she is still a bit behind in calligraphy.

Seeing Lin Dongyang coming, Lu Jiaxin dug out the roasted seeds and nuts brought back from home from the big and small bags brought back from home, and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

At this moment, while drinking tea and eating roasted seeds and nuts, Lin Dongyang also chatted with Lu Mu.

"Don't tell me, something really happened during the time you left, do you know that Xu Hao's grandson? He even set up a real estate company. On the opening day, I went to his crappy company to check it out. , As far as his original trading company is concerned, he put up an extra card, and I wonder if this kid saw our jealousy, and deliberately stepped in to scare us."

"Xu Hao?"

Lu Mu didn't expect it, and looked at Lin Dongyang suspiciously.

"That's not it, why did he think about real estate after the trading company was doing so well? Is it difficult to do business? I met Erqiao and the others a while ago, and they were still bragging about Xu Hao's company there. , Among us, there are not many who can resign and go to sea, not to mention that his father is still the director of the second machine factory, and everyone says he has courage."

(End of this chapter)

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