Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 1049 You pretend to be asleep

Chapter 1049 You pretend to be asleep

The stretched facial features looked softer than usual.

Yu Xiaowan moved slightly, moved closer, closed her eyes, pouted and moved forward.

Little did they know, the man opposite had opened his eyes at this moment.

It's not like Xiaowan who always wakes up in a daze for a while. The man who opened his eyes, those deep eyes are as deep as the sea, but after seeing the little guy's actions, there is a softness, the corners of the lips are slightly hooked, and they are closed again. eyes.

As expected, in the next second, the warm touch came up, carrying her unique fragrance.

However, the feeling only paused for two seconds. Feeling that the breath was far away, Lu Mu directly stretched out his arms, pulled the person back, and continued to enjoy the tenderness.

Naturally, Yu Xiaowan didn't expect Lu Mu's move. She was stunned for a moment and guessed that the man had woken up early, but the struggle at this moment was obviously ineffective, so she had to accept her fate and let the other party take advantage of it unscrupulously.

After a while, she was able to break free and pinched the man's handsome face angrily, "Lu Mu, you pretend to be asleep..."


After the two of them packed up, the sun had already risen, and the small door on the courtyard wall slammed, and Lu Jiaxin also walked over, yawning.

After making some simple breakfast, Lu Mu went out again after eating.

Although the Spring Festival has just passed and many projects cannot be carried out in the freezing weather, some contacts still need to walk around to reflect this time.

What's more, with what Lin Dongyang said yesterday, although Lu Mu responded casually verbally, he already had plans in his heart.


Bitter cold wind blew by, and on the bare branches, the last dry leaf couldn't bear the blow of the cold wind, and fell down in a whirl. Just as it touched the ground, it was blown by a rush of cold wind again. Up, drifting, nowhere to go.

"Cough cough cough..."

Green smoke drifted out of the yard accompanied by a coughing sound, and there was also a woman's dissatisfied nagging.

"If other people's houses can be installed, ours can be installed. You are now the workshop director, and you still light a coal stove. Don't you feel ashamed to let the neighbors see it? Look at Lu Mu's house. Last year, when he was still Duan Chang, he was able to install heating. Well, how much money do you have for heating for two rooms? You tell me no now, did you give all the money to your mother when you went back to your hometown this time?"

Through an open door, Liu Qingshan was tidying up the house.

They just came back from their hometown today. There is no coal fire, and the house is as cold as an ice cellar. It doesn't matter whether the door is closed or not.

Hearing Song Meiyu's words, Liu Qingshan replied unceremoniously, "I don't feel ashamed of not installing a heater, but I feel quite ashamed of you yelling in the yard like this. Meiyu, what are you dissatisfied with in our current life? Yes? My younger brother is going to get married in a while, and I, the eldest brother, won’t be able to go back when the time comes, shouldn’t I give him some money in advance?”

"Did you give me a little? How much savings do we have in total? And when you came back from your hometown last year, didn't you say that your mother doesn't want us to give money to the family? Then what's the matter with so many remittance slips in your mother's hand?"

Speaking of this, Song Meiyu simply threw the fire chopsticks aside, walked a few steps to the door, and looked at the man in the room for interrogation.

When he came back from the Spring Festival last year, Liu Qingshan suddenly gave her dozens of pocket money, and told her not to be reluctant to spend it, but to buy more delicious food and buy whatever she wanted.

(End of this chapter)

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