Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 1058 Obviously, he sees very accurately

Chapter 1058 Obviously, he sees very accurately
"More than three years." Lu Mu said.

"Why don't you want children for more than three years? I remember last year you were clamoring to quit smoking and have children, right? Is this going to happen? Or is it because your younger siblings don't want to have children?"

Lu Mu really didn't know how to answer this question.

To be honest, even in the face of a big brother like Fu Jianhai, he was a little embarrassed to talk about this issue.

For the first time, I experienced the shy mood of the little daughter-in-law.

"No, there's no rush."

Lu Mu prevaricated casually.

"Not in a hurry? Are you 29? Don't you worry if you're already in your third year? When I was your age, my son would know how to make soy sauce, and my daughter would know how to call her father."

Fu Jianhai glanced at Lu Mu with some distaste, "Could it be that the girl Xiaowan doesn't want you and just let her go?"

There is no man who is unwilling to have children, and with Lu Mu's temperament, he should be the kind of man who is good at the Gu family.

On the contrary, the little girl Yu Xiaowan was treated like a daughter by Lu Mu.

"Let me tell you, Lu Mu, this woman, the more rare you are about her, the more you should let her have children for you. This is because the policy does not allow it. If the policy allows it, I can't wait for my wife to give me ten or eight children. You don't know how attractive a woman is when she is pregnant. You look at her with a big belly and carefully protect it, and then think about your cub in that belly. Think about it, what does it feel like? All men have Proud, all the satisfaction is packed in that belly, and she protects it with all her..."

Fu Jianhai narrowed his eyes slightly, and smacked his mouth twice in aftertaste.

Lu Mu naturally understood what he said, needless to say, just thinking about his little guy being pregnant with his child would make his heart skip a beat.


"Brother Fu, it's getting late, you have to go back quickly, it's too late, be careful that sister-in-law won't let you in."

Lu Mu mercilessly issued the order to evict the guest.

"Hey, you boy, I'm here to explain the truth to you, why don't you know? Don't listen to me. When you cry, you are an old helper. You are getting older every day. Look at others Little Wan girl, you are both juicy and beautiful, don’t look at how closely you shut people up at home every day, be careful that you will be seduced by some handsome young man one day.”

Yes, in Fu Jianhai's view, Lu Mu didn't let Yu Xiaowan go out to work because he was afraid that his wife would run away.

Obviously, he saw it right.

Lu Mu didn't want to hear him talk anymore, so he directly opened the office door and invited him out.

Fu Jianhai was so angry that he jumped up and down in the yard.

After the person left, the ears were finally quiet.

Lu Mu returned to his desk and continued to look at the document just now. He had read a page of the document just a few minutes ago, and now he has not read a page of content in more than ten minutes.

He raised his hand and glanced at his watch, seeing that it was almost time, he simply closed the file, picked up the car keys and left the office.

"Boss Lu, you have to go out."

Accountant Huo of the company was coming in from the outside, and when he saw Lu Mu, he greeted him politely.

Lu Mu nodded, and stopped when he was about to leave, "Accountant Huo, please tell Lu Jiaxin to let her go home by bus after get off work."

"Okay, goodbye Mr. Lu."

Huo Wenling happily responded, and seeing Lu Mu go out, she returned to the office.

"Sister Huo, what did Boss Lu tell you just now?"

In the office, Zhang Lingling retracted her outstretched neck reluctantly, and asked curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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