Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 1067 Just Treat Her as Lucky

Chapter 1067 Just Treat Her as Lucky

Yu Xiaowan has been paying attention to this person, but since he won the award, this person has disappeared, and the painting that won the award is also the only painting that this person has left outside.

Yu Xiaowan even thought that that person only used this name when he faked his painting.

But I didn't expect to see this name again here.

Since it was an art exhibition at the Academy of Fine Arts, perhaps Cheng Jie would know about this person.

Sure enough, after Yu Xiaowan finished asking, Cheng Jie snorted coldly, "Of course I know, all the paintings in this exhibition are from the teachers and students of the Academy of Fine Arts and the seniors and sisters who graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Jin City. Speaking of this Autumn Water Meets Spring can be regarded as a legend of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts."

Cheng Jie pulled Yu Xiaowan to the side chair and sat down.

"Originally, she was just an ordinary student at the Academy of Fine Arts. She won an award with one painting, and was even named a new artist. Later, she was named by the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts to leave. Speaking of which, our Academy of Fine Arts in Jin City is no more beautiful than that of the Imperial Capital. Dean, let her come here like this, and make our Jin City Academy of Fine Arts look inferior to others."

When Cheng Jie thought of Chen Yuanyuan's haughty appearance when she left, she became angry.

I really don't know what kind of shit luck she has stepped on to be spotted by Cong Tutor.

Yu Xiaowan nodded knowingly, "So that's the case."

I couldn't help laughing in my heart, didn't I step on shit luck, the painting I gave to Yu Zhuolong actually came to her, and she won an award.

Seeing that Cheng Jie knew this person just now, she thought she could meet him, but she didn't think that he had already gone to the imperial capital.

Forget it, just treat her as lucky.

With her current level, even if she could rely on that painting to gain some fame, such fame would be worn away by herself sooner or later.

After all, it is not your own.

"What's the matter, Miss Wan, are you also interested in this man's paintings?"

Asking such a question, Cheng Jie refused in her heart.

If her little sister thinks differently of Chen Bitch because of this painting, in her heart, it can only be described as a dog's mood.

Yu Xiaowan smiled slightly, shook her head and said, "No, I'm just a little curious. I was looking at that painting just now, and I heard several people talking about the change of the style of this painting, and the time I came into contact with this circle. Short, I have never heard of this person, so I want to ask."

Cheng Jie breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words, "What's so curious about this person? Her paintings are just a few times, which is far worse than that of Miss Xiaowan. Not to mention her, even if the paintings of any artist in this exhibition are I can’t even compare it to Miss Xiaowan’s paintings.”

In Cheng Jie's heart, her young lady is a master of painting.

Even if she acts low-key now, many people don't know what she said, it can only show that her little sister is a reclusive expert.

Yu Xiaowan quickly covered Cheng Jie's mouth with her hand, and looked around.

"My little ancestor, don't you say these things here to bring hatred to me? Besides, I'm not as good as you said, it's just a hobby."

Cheng Jie shook her head, knowing that what she said just now was really inappropriate here, so she lowered her voice a bit, "Come on, Miss Wan, your hobby is better than mine, who has studied hard for more than ten years, can you still let it go?" Make people alive."

The two girls talked and laughed as they walked forward.

A few more people gathered in front of the painting of Autumn Water and Spring, and this cutting-edge painter seemed to be really popular.

(End of this chapter)

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