Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 1069 Look at him like this, quite proud?

Chapter 1069 Look at him like this, quite proud?
Of course, Yu Xiaowan would not go to any grove with Cheng Jie. After lunch, Lu Mu's message followed him, and he had already arrived at the school gate.

In the early spring of March, the weather has turned warm.

Because she came to the Academy of Fine Arts today, it was rare for Yu Xiaowan to wear a light-colored sportswear, and her long black hair was tied into a simple ponytail.

Lu Mu watched her run out from the gate of the Academy of Fine Arts, and the swaying ponytail made her look more youthful. Compared with the students around her, she seemed more like a student.

Isn't that right? It stands to reason that Yu Xiaowan's age is not older than those around him, maybe not as old as them.

Involuntarily, Lu Mu's big hand gently stroked his cheek again.

When Yu Xiaowan came out, she saw Lu Mu leaning against the car door by the side of the road.

Wearing a gray suit, leaning casually on the car door, the aura around him cannot be ignored.

Just for a moment, she saw several girls passing by him secretly looking back at him.

"Lu Mu, why are you so fast?"

Yu Xiaowan ran over bouncingly, holding his arm with two small hands.

"Have you not eaten?"

The person who said on the phone that he wanted to eat with her just now arrived at the school gate.

Yu Xiaowan really suspected that he ran over after hanging up the phone.

Lu Mu embraced the little guy with one hand, opened the car door with the other and replied, "I've eaten, but I'm fine in the afternoon, I'll be out after lunch."

"Why are you all right suddenly? Weren't you busy a while ago?"

Of course, Yu Xiaowan didn't forget about his busy cooperation. Seeing him help her close the car door, and then go around from the front of the car to the driver's seat, her eyes suddenly lit up, "Is the contract already settled?"

Lu Mu glanced at her with a smile while wearing his seat belt, "It's done, the contract signed yesterday, I wanted to share it with you as soon as possible, but when I got home last night, a certain lazy pig was already in a daze Yes, she woke up in the morning and she was still asleep..."

"Lu Mu, you are the pig."

Yu Xiaowan angrily interrupted Lu Mu's words, causing Lu Mu to let out a burst of hearty laughter.

Yu Xiaowan suddenly froze there.

Lu Mu's coldness is true, as early as when she first came into contact with him, she hardly saw him smile.

Later, when they came to Jin City, the smiles on his face gradually increased, but his smile was very reserved, just slightly curling up the corners of his lips, and a touch of softness between his brows and eyes was already very rare.

I still remember one time when Lu Mu smiled at himself, Lin Dongyang on the side seemed to have seen a ghost.

Only then did she realize that even such a smile was very rare on this man.

Now, he actually let out a hearty laugh, and this smile is naturally very amazing.

"Fasten your seat belt, we're about to set off, what are you staring at?"

Seeing that she was not moving, Lu Mu reminded her. At the same time, he unbuckled his seat belt and leaned over to fasten her seat belt himself.

Yu Xiaowan also came back to her senses, and said to the man passing her, "Lu Mu, did I tell you that you are really handsome."

Lu Mu helped her fasten her seat belt and gave her a sidelong glance.

"Do you need to say that? With your nympho appearance, you can see it as long as you have eyes."

Yu Xiaowan opened her mouth wide in shock...

Looking at him like this, he is quite proud?
But, there are people who say that.

Lu Mu laughed again...

It can be seen that he is in a really good mood today.

 Thank you for the 588 book coins reward from Xiaopang Nini who loves cats, and thank you for the cool lollipop.

(End of this chapter)

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