Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 1071 He is afraid, he is really afraid

Chapter 1071 He is afraid, he is really afraid

Lu Mu looked at the location. If the bookshelves and desks were placed according to her plan, the corner would only be two to three square meters.

"We have no guests or babies, so we don't need a baby room in the guest room. That room can be your studio."

The original home has a studio dedicated to the little girl, here, there is no reason.

"But let Jiaxin live in the guest room, you can't let her sleep in the studio."

They were going to move in, so there was no reason to leave Jiaxin there alone.

Lu Mu rubbed her little head, "She won't come, she knows about buying a house, tell me first, she won't come here to live with us, she said she is afraid of dying."

Stuffed to death by dog ​​food?

"It's not that exaggerated."

Yu Xiaowan pursed her lips, and could imagine Lu Jiaxin's look of disgust.

"Well, this room will be used as a studio."

After Yu Xiaowan finished speaking, she dragged him to continue walking inside.

"Come here, I saw the bathroom just now, I want to put a big bathtub here, when you come back from get off work to take a bath, it must be very comfortable, and there is also a kitchen, in fact, I prefer an open kitchen, but this apartment type should be open The kitchen is unrealistic, so let my dear husband take care of this kitchen."

At the end, Yu Xiaowan shook Lu Mu's arm to please her.

Forgive her for being a slob who never used to go to the kitchen, how can she know what is needed in the kitchen?
Lu Mu looked at the little guy's high mood, and his mood that he planned to surprise her became more and more sinking.

There was a leisurely smile on his face, but his heart fell into an endless abyss.

If I remember correctly, only Lin Dongyang's house is a building around him, and he took Yu Xiaowan there only once.

When I went to other people's houses, I naturally wouldn't mess around. I just stayed in the living room for a while and had a meal with the Lin family.

But with her current appearance, she seemed to understand better than herself.

Sometimes, he really can't understand his little wife.

Only at this time, the whole heart is surrounded by unknown fear.

Lin Dongyang once said that he can go out to work by himself, and he can let Lu Jiaxin go to work, but he can't be more squeamish if he raises Yu Xiaowan so delicately.

Let her stay at home obediently every day, and she was allowed to go out to paint at the beginning, but now, when she goes shopping, she has to call him to report, even if he looks at it, he feels like he is raising a canary .

Which man doesn't want the woman who accompanies him to have common topics and hobbies with him.

He said that he raised Yu Xiaowan like this, and the change of direction made her disconnected from the society. Sooner or later, she would not be able to keep up with him, and he would be bored.

But he wanted to say that it was because he couldn't keep up with Yu Xiaowan.

She seems innocent and innocent, and doesn't care about things carelessly.

But her heart is like a huge treasure.

Whether it's between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, or even sister-in-law, even if the other party shows the greatest malice, she can treat it normally.

Regardless of his job promotion, salary increase, layoff, or dismissal, she can comfort him with a smile.

She moves her hands casually, which is wealth that others will never get in a lifetime.

He was afraid, he was really afraid.

So he worked desperately and pampered her desperately.

I'm afraid that I'm not good enough in any aspect, and I'm afraid I won't be able to keep this little girl.

"Lu Mu, talk, okay? You must be really busy, or..."

Seeing Lu Mu staring at her in a daze, Yu Xiaowan spoke again.

(End of this chapter)

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