Chapter 1075 My Wife

Hearing the other party's name, a figure also flashed in Lu Mu's mind. It seemed that the boy Dongzi was always talking about this person these days.

"Xu Siman, I remember, what's the matter?"

While Lu Mu was talking, he also glanced at the little guy in the distance, seeing her seriously looking at the big screen where the film was arranged, and asked in a low voice.

"Why, you can't make phone calls between old classmates? I heard that your company has won a very important contract. Let me congratulate you first."

"Thank you," Lu Mu said lightly.

"Lu Mu, I didn't expect you to enter this industry. When I saw you went to the factory with Lin Dongyang and the others, I thought you shouldn't be like that. You have always been different, so how could you follow the school's arrangement step by step? ? It seems that I read it right, sooner or later, you will break free from those shackles and do what you like."

Speaking of these, the tone on the other side was inevitably filled with sighs of admiration.

Lu Mu didn't take it seriously, "It's not as great as you think, and it's all for livelihood."

"You don't have to be humble, I understand you, if not..."

"Lu Mu, would you like to watch a ghost movie?"

A girl's voice came over like a yellow warbler, interrupting the other party's voice.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Mu said in a slightly stern voice, "How dare you watch ghost movies? If you want to watch them, you can take the bus home by yourself at night."

Yu Xiaowan stuck out her tongue, "Isn't this because I'm afraid you'll be bored watching romance movies? Don't you men all like Qingqingwowo romance movies? There are no action movies."

"I'll watch with you, just pick what you like."

Seeing that Lu Mu was still clutching his phone, Yu Xiaowan knew that he hadn't finished the call, so she gestured OK and went back to pick up movies.

"Girlfriend?" A woman's voice came from the phone again.

"My wife," Lu Mu replied flatly.

Maybe he didn't even realize that when he mentioned the word wife, the corners of his lips couldn't help but curl up.

"If there is nothing else, I will hang up first."

"Wait," Xu Siman stopped, "Lu Mu, I don't know if Lin Dongyang has told you. Our company is planning to develop the domestic market. I think you will know something about Stanis? If necessary, I'll be waiting for your call anytime."

After Xu Siman finished speaking, he hung up the phone without saying anything else.

Lu Mu looked at the phone that was hung up, shook it in his hand, put it in his pocket, and ran towards the little girl in the distance.

"Have you chosen yet?"

The man's fresh breath came, and Yu Xiaowan turned around and raised the movie ticket in his hand.

"The selection is done, the tickets are all bought, let's go."


In early summer, the sky gradually grows, and at six or seven o'clock, the sun sets slightly to the west.

The light of the afterglow is also more prosperous than in the past. Driving against the straight road and facing the slanting sun, the dazzling light makes people unable to open their eyes.

Xu Hao took out his sunglasses and put them on his face to block the dazzling light, and the accelerator under his feet gradually deepened.

The car drove all the way to a villa and stopped. When the people in the courtyard saw it, they hurried over to open the gate, and said respectfully, "The young master is back."

Xu Hao slammed the car door and strode directly into the house, "My dad is at home?"

"Here, I lost my temper with my wife just now, and I'm in the study right now."

Xu Hao's footsteps paused, "Are you still losing your temper with my mother?"

"Yes, my wife has just recovered from her mood. I heard that you are coming back and preparing dinner in the kitchen."

(End of this chapter)

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