Chapter 1084

When Mother Lu heard his words, she became anxious, "Stop, what you just said is farting? I said you are not allowed to go, but he told you to go, why are you so spineless?"

Lu Wei turned around and said helplessly, "Mom, it wasn't A Mu who asked me to go, but I wanted to go. I don't want to stay at home and want to go to work in Jin City, right? I'm already thirty. Can you stop swaying me like this?"

"Did I influence you? What did I influence you?"

Lu's mother questioned Lu Wei, and she also thought of something in her head, and looked at the eldest son in front of her with a face full of disappointment.

"Lu Wei, you're blaming me for farming, right? Who am I doing this for? God, I let the hailstorm happen? Can you blame me for your bad luck? Don't you want to Going to work in Jin City, you are not happy that I let you grow watermelons, so you want to throw the mess at home to me and your dad, right? Six or seven acres of watermelons, you just throw away like this?"

Lu Wei really lost his temper.

Since his sister divorced, he also felt that his mother was acting too much.

It's just that I usually see my wife and mother getting along well, so I didn't say much.

Harmony is the most important thing in the family, as long as there are no major conflicts, everything is fine.

But since Longlong was born, the situation at home has become more and more powerless for him.

"You can think whatever you want. The watermelon is smashed, and you can't do anything if you toss it. You and Dad can take care of it if you want to. If you don't want to take care of it, throw it in the ground. Turn around and use a planer to plan it in the ground. Just grow wheat."

This time, Lu Wei went out without waiting for Mother Lu to say anything.

"You come back to me."

Lu's mother was about to chase after her words, but was stopped by Lu's father.

"Come back to me!! The children are grown up and the family is divided. What are you doing up and down all day? He can go to work if he wants to. How can Amu harm him?"

"Our Awei is a real person, I'm not afraid that he won't be able to play..."

"Shut up and see what you said as a mother? Do you have to break up this family?"

Lu's father gave Lu's mother a warning look, and Lu's mother had no choice but to shut her mouth, eyes full of unwillingness.


The next day Lu Wei came to Jin City. In the afternoon, Lu Mu drove to the long-distance station to pick him up.

After resting at home overnight, Lu Mu brought him to the company again.

Lu Wei is straightforward and honest, so Lu Mu assigned him to Li Wei.

When Li Wei heard that he was Lu Mu and Lu Jiaxin's elder brother, he took him with him without saying a word, and took him with him personally.

It's time to move in a blink of an eye.

Speaking of this day, to use Lin Dongyang's words, then he personally asked his friends to save face and specially help them choose the auspicious day of the zodiac.

This day is like a family, and the host’s family will definitely be in good weather, harmonious and beautiful. The men’s career will be smoother and the women will be more beautiful and happy.

Yu Xiaowan was very suspicious of his rephrasing, but she didn't know if it was accurate, but the number of June 6 felt very smooth.

Speaking of moving, in fact, there is nothing that needs to be moved, that is, the clothes of Lu Mu and Yu Xiaowan, and the books of Lu Mu and the paintings of Yu Xiaowan.

When Lu Wei came, he happened to live in this small courtyard, and all the furniture and electrical appliances were naturally replaced with new ones when he got there.

Early in the morning, Li Wei drove the company's truck and brought a few capable people with him.

Qi Chuang and Lin Dongyang also came quite early, seeing the big boxes in the house, Lin Dongyang was still joking.

(End of this chapter)

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