Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 1088 Lin Dongyang Has a Girlfriend?

Chapter 1088 Lin Dongyang Has a Girlfriend?
The good friend who used to be inseparable, it seems that he hasn't met that little girl Cheng Jie many times now.

Xu Yue curled her lips, "You're still talking about me, I won't look for you and I won't look for you anymore, Qi Chuang has become the big boss, you have also become the boss's wife, Cheng Feng has graduated again, think back to when we were together Skiing, sneaking to the meeting room in the factory to warm up the heating in winter, and stealing mutton from the cafeteria to barbecue by the river in summer, it’s all like a dream. "

Xu Yuehao pulled Yu Xiaowan, and when talking about these things, she couldn't help feeling a little bit sad.

Yu Xiaowan naturally took her emotions into account and deliberately angered her.

"So I didn't tell you about the move this time. Aren't you unwilling to look for me? Wait until you think of me and look for me again. If you can't find me, I'll see if you will see me again."

Sure enough, Xu Yue's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Yu Xiaowan, are too bad."

"No matter how bad I am, I can't stand a traitor. With Cheng Feng around, I guess you can find me even if I move to the moon."

Yu Xiaowan grabbed two lollipops from the table, opened one and handed it to her.

When mentioning Cheng Feng, Xu Yuehao rolled her eyes with a sweet smile, and even glanced at the men.

"By the way, Xiaowan, does Brother Dongyang have a girlfriend?"

Seeing Lin Dongyang talking and laughing in the crowd at a glance, he suddenly thought of something.

"Lin Dongyang has a girlfriend? Who did you hear from?"

She hasn't heard of it yet, could it be that Cheng Feng discovered something?

After all, Cheng Feng hangs out with Lin Dongyang every day now.

"No... I haven't heard anything, I just want to ask you."

Xu Yue really thought of how her sister saw Lin Dongyang that day.

She knew that her sister had always had Lin Dongyang in her heart, that's why she rejected those blind dates.

It's just that Lin Dongyang really doesn't seem to have any plans to find a girlfriend. They have known him for so many years, and they really haven't seen what kind of woman he has around him.

In the past, like the eldest sister, the family insisted on finding a blind date. Since he left the factory, almost everyone has heard about it.

Logically speaking, this should be good news for them. After all, as long as he doesn't have a girlfriend, his sister has hope.

But recently she discovered that her sister seems to Lin Dongyang...

how to say?

In the past, when my sister saw Lin Dongyang, the joy in her eyes, even if she tried to hide it carefully, she couldn't hide it.

Now, when she saw Lin Dongyang again, even her eyes followed him, but the joy and joy were completely gone.

Some only have a sense of loss and a touch of melancholy.

Maybe she was thinking too much. The family has been forcing the eldest sister to find a boyfriend. It must be because she is under too much pressure.

"By the way, Xiaowan, isn't Qi Chuang here?"

Stop thinking about her sister, Xu Yuehao changed the subject.

"Come on, I'm preparing lunch with Jiaxin for everyone in the kitchen."

"I'll go see him, I haven't seen Boss Qi for some time."


"Mr. Lu, these are some materials I collected during this period."

In the study, Cheng Feng took out a stack of documents from his bag and handed them to Lu Mu.

Lu Mu took the documents and glanced at them briefly, and a gleam of light inevitably flickered in his deep eyes.

"Yes, in fact, we also thought about it at the beginning. Wang Tao was able to marry the Xu family, and at that time, there is indeed something strange. It's just that it has been so long, and it is not easy to check again."

(End of this chapter)

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