Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 1095 Are you making fun of me?

Chapter 1095 Are you making fun of me?

"Did you ask Cheng Feng to help you check things in the factory these days, and Zhou Weidong, what do you want to do? Is it time for you to figure it out?"

Back then when Lu Mu was fired from the factory, he still took such a big scapegoat. How many people complained about him, and how many people watched his excitement.

Lin Dongyang was also angry, but he couldn't see those gloating, so he resigned in anger.

At that time, he also persuaded and complained, but no matter what, Lu Mu just kept silent.

I didn't expect that after such a long time, he would...

"There's nothing you can't figure out," Lu Mu didn't say much.

It's not that he has figured it out, but that there are some things that should be paid back, and there are things that should be settled.

He didn't want Lin Dongyang to know too much.

Some things involved too much is not a good thing.

Lin Dongyang knew Lu Mu's temperament, so he didn't ask any more questions, "Okay, I understand, but that kid Cheng Feng is still young, so you have to check everything. I'm afraid that he's a kid who just entered the society. I don't know how badly I stumbled."

Lin Dongyang gave an order, and left the office without saying anything else.

The rain outside seemed to be getting heavier, and at this moment, the phone rang.

Glancing at the caller ID above, those slightly tired eyes were also stained with a soft color.

"Why are you calling at this time?"

"Huh? Did it bother you at work?"

The voice over there came quickly, with a hint of uneasiness and softness.

"No," Lu Mu returned to his seat, raised his hand and squeezed the space between his eyebrows.

"That's good. It's raining heavily outside. I remember that the area of ​​the Yijichang District has deep water when it rains. If it still rains like this after you get off work, if it doesn't work, you can make up at the company. I remember You have a bed and a change of clothes there."

After Yu Xiaowan finished speaking, she couldn't help but yelled again after not hearing Lu Mu's reply for a long time.

"Lu Mu, are you tired? I'm tired from hearing your voice. In fact, I made chicken soup today, but it's raining too much outside."

A chuckle finally came from the other end of the phone, "Did you stew chicken soup? Is it boiled chicken again?"

Of course, he didn't forget the fish soup that Yu Xiaowan made for him last time on a whim, boiled fish in plain water, probably only put some salt, oh yes, and sugar.

She said that she remembered that Lu Jiaxin left out sugar when stewing the fish, saying it was to remove the fishy smell.

Although the taste was a bit strange, but because of the little guy's kindness, he still drank most of it with dignity.

It wasn't until the little guy watched him drink with relish that he also went to fill a bowl to drink, and then stopped him from continuing to finish the fish soup.

Yu Xiaowan's dissatisfied voice soon came from the other end of the phone.

"Are you making fun of me? I've said it all, it was my first time, first time, how precious it is."

"Yes, so I cherish and want to finish the fish soup, or you won't let me drink it, so this chicken soup is also your first time?"

Yu Xiaowan's face couldn't help burning, and she felt like she was gnashing her teeth, "No, I asked Jiaxin this time, and I made it step by step according to the steps she said. I tasted it and it tastes good. Lu Mu, if you tease me like this again, I really ignore you, you don’t have to come back today, I’ll drink the chicken soup by myself, anyway, the road outside is not easy.”

Lu Mu's handsome brows stretched instantly, and even his deep eyes became brighter.

(End of this chapter)

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