Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 1103 Delicacy is a disease, but Lu Mu is willing to spoil her to the point of death

Chapter 1103 Delicacy is a disease, but Lu Mu is willing to spoil her to the point of death

Delicacy is a disease, but Lu Mu is willing to spoil her to the point of death.

He said disgusting words in his mouth, but he directly put the dumpling in the spoon that was bitten off by the little woman into his own mouth, and scooped up the dumpling in the bowl, picked one out, and saw the little woman with a vigilant look on her face. He hooked the corners of his lips, took a small bite first, and delivered it to her after confirming that it was pork stuffing.

Yu Xiaowan swallowed the dumpling in one gulp, squinting her big eyes in satisfaction.

He said vaguely, "You don't have to patronize me, you can eat too, it's already late, go to rest after eating."

Just like that, with a bowl of dumplings, the two of you quickly settled down with one mouthful and the other.

After brushing his teeth again, and lying on the bed, Lu Mu gently stroked Yu Xiaowan's arm, and said indifferently, "Xiaowan, I thought about it, I don't want to go to the Academy of Fine Arts for sketching. The weather will be cooler in the next month, I will take you out to play, and then I will help you carry the easel, and we can paint wherever you want to paint."

Yu Xiaowan, who had her eyes closed, suddenly opened them. Looking at the man through the dim light on the wall, she was also sensitively aware of something strange.

"Did something happen? About Cheng Feng?"

Lu Mu raised his hand to press her little head, and pulled her into his arms again.

"It's nothing, don't think about it, I just don't want to be separated from you. I will go there for a week, so don't I have to live in a cold room for a week and be an ascetic for a week?"

"Just for this?"

Yu Xiaowan couldn't help laughing, she stuck her head into Lu Mu's arms and smelled the good smell on his body, her heart was so sweet, she said, "That's hard to say, you can go to the family courtyard Live, with Jiaxin cooking for you, you won’t be hungry, and big brother, you live with big brother, it’s just a good time to exchange brotherhood, and you won’t be alone in the empty room.”

"An ascetic monk is very pitiful. Do you have to make a pair?"

Lu Mu tightened his arms and spoke viciously.

Suddenly turned over, "How about I finish all the work for this week from now on?"

a week?
Is this the rhythm of making her work overtime?

Thinking of this possibility, Yu Xiaowan couldn't help shivering, and quickly raised her hand to beg for mercy.

"You can't work overtime. It's said in the book. That...too diligent is not conducive to prenatal and postnatal care. We have had a child for so long and there is no movement. Are you not in a hurry?"

"What's the rush? I've thought about it too. I've been too busy with work during this time, and my daughter loves us. I'm afraid that my father is often away and my mother will cry if she can't take good care of me. So give us more time, don't worry, let's go It's natural."

While talking, Lu Mu also lay back.

Yu Xiaowan became curious and stood up, "Why is it a daughter? Don't you men want sons?"

Like the eldest brother, he wants to have two sons.

The same goes for Lu's mother, as if giving birth to a son is a great event.

Seeing her stupid look, Lu Mu gave her a sideways glance, and closed his eyes first, "Sleep."

Yu Xiaowan frowned, wanting to pick up the man and ask if he was thinking about something like a little lover, but she finally closed her mouth seeing his tired appearance.

Forget it, anyway, there will be plenty of time to question him in the future.

If he was really thinking about his little lover from his previous life, then she had to have a son.


(End of this chapter)

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