Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 1107 There is Alibi

Chapter 1107 There is Alibi

That appearance really has a sense of immediate inspection by the leader.

After the doctor checked the room, Lu Mu and Lin Dongyang also followed out.

Seeing that someone disappeared at the door, Xu Yue patted her chest.

"When they were in the factory before, they all said Brother Lu Mu was cold. They didn't feel anything before, but today they suddenly felt that his aura was [-] meters. This altitude is really a bit cold."

"Of course, this is what kind of person is in what kind of position."

Cheng Feng lay leisurely on the hospital bed, gently stroking his belly with one hand, he didn't look like a seriously wounded person at all, it seemed like he was on vacation.

Yu Xiaowan looked outside the door, and took another deep look at him, "I said Cheng Feng, who did you offend? Why did you get caught by Qunou?"

When Yu Xiaowan asked, Xu Yuehao also restrained the expression on her face, "That's right, when you were the president of the student union at school, you were very popular, and even after you graduated, they still took good care of me. , if they offended someone at school, they should take revenge on me, right?"

"What are you thinking, why are you revenge?"

Cheng Feng gave Xu Yue a good look, and said indifferently, "Who knows, maybe some people are jealous of my handsome looks, or my talent. Anyway, I'm so good, it's certain that people will be jealous."

"Yes, you are all taken by Qunou, those people are so jealous of you."

Yu Xiaowan said with a smile.

Cheng Feng may not be ignorant of the reason here, but he just doesn't want to talk about it.

Yu Xiaowan didn't ask any more questions, she always felt that the matter inside had something to do with Lu Mu and the others, so she glanced out the window and simply chatted with them about other topics.


Downstairs in the hospital, Lu Mu and Lin Dongyang found a remote place and took out their cigarette case.

"I just went to the police station."

"What do you say? Has Luo Qiang been arrested and brought to justice?"

Lin Dongyang took the cigarette and asked quickly.

Lu Mu shook his head, lit his cigarette and took a puff.

"Luo Qiang has evidence of his alibi, and there is no surveillance on that section of the road, and there are no useful clues in the surveillance areas along the road because of the weather."

The other party must have calculated well.

Due to the weather yesterday, it got dark earlier, and the time to turn on the street lights has already been adjusted to the summer schedule.

At that time, the weather was dark, there were no street lights, and it was raining, so it was almost impossible to see anything on the monitor.

"Then that's it? Cheng Feng's beating was for nothing? No, what evidence do they need? Cheng Feng has already seen someone."

"It's useless. Since they had a premeditated plan, they have planned their retreat. If they are in a hurry, it is not impossible for him to bite you and frame you."

Luo Qiang belongs to Xu Hao, and both Lu Mu and Lin Dongyang know what kind of existence they are.

Sure enough, Lin Dongyang cursed in a low voice, "It's so fucking possible. I feel aggrieved when I think about it. Without this clue, the investigation by the police is probably useless. No favorable evidence can be found. There is no evidence."

Lin Dongyang took a few puffs of cigarettes, and suddenly said, "Are you really Xu Hao? But if Xu Hao really did it, shouldn't it be like this?"

They had been in contact with Xu Hao a lot before, and they were notoriously ruthless. Relying on their own abilities, they did many evil things.

Anyway, I have the ability, even if I go in, I can still get it out.

(End of this chapter)

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