Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 1129 He has had enough of this kind of life controlled by others

Chapter 1129 He has had enough of this kind of life controlled by others
Why is there nothing to talk about?
What Lu Mu wants to do now is exactly what he wants to do.

Since he knew that Cheng Feng was investigating those things, he had guessed it.

Cheng Feng is working for Lu Mu now, and he checked these things because of what Lu Mu wanted to do.

Today's test did not meet his expectations.

As for the things for Lu Mu, he had prepared them a long time ago, and they were waiting for them to be handed over to him someday.

Cheng Feng's hair hasn't fully grown yet, so he's unreliable. To do it, people need to be unaware.

Even if something goes wrong, based on what he knows about Lu Mu, Lu Mu will never betray him.

It would be great if there were no mistakes, just use Lu Mu's hands to bring Wang Tao down.

He has had enough of this kind of life controlled by others.


Lu Mu carried the ingredients into the house, but was surprised that he didn't hear the crisp and sweet "Lu Mu, you're back."

While changing shoes, I also heard faint and small voices in the room. I was sure I was at home, so I called out.

After a while, the sound of footsteps and people's responses came together, but the sound was a little... strange.

As soon as he turned around, he saw a small face covered with a mask.


Lu Mu took a step back, startled.


Yu Xiaowan burst out laughing suddenly, reaching out and tearing off the mask on her face.

"Lu Shou, why are you so timid? Hahaha, are you scared? Do you want me to fuck you up?"

Lu Mu was startled at first, but seeing her smiling so happily, she stretched out her hand and really wanted to touch his head, so she explained helplessly.

"I didn't expect you to make facial masks in broad daylight."

"Aren't you bored at home? Let's see if your skin has improved?"

Lu Mu looked at the little face approaching him, feeling weak for a while.

My wife's skin is so good, what kind of experience is my skin so old?
Probably only he can understand it.

"I took a look, and it's not good to use too much cosmetics. Everything should be in moderation, and your skin is fine, so you don't need to use this kind of thing on your face all the time."


Yu Xiaowan was dubious, picked up the mask and looked at it, then looked at Lu Mu, remembering what the second senior brother said before, it seems that the collagen on the girl's face is the most abundant and does not need maintenance.

But the teachers and sisters all say that maintenance is a matter of any age group.

Lu Mu's face was a little hot when she looked at him, he turned his eyes and hummed, and then directly carried the ingredients into the kitchen.

Yu Xiaowan looked at the man and the mask again, her face full of confusion.


The hot pot soup was tumbling in the pot, and the ingredients were all favorites, Yu Xiaowan's little face flushed when she ate it.

Lu Mu took the remote control of the air conditioner and turned it down two degrees.

"After dinner, let's go to the mall together and pick out two clothes for you."

When she heard that she was about to buy clothes again, Yu Xiaowan raised her head, "I already have enough clothes, I really don't need to buy them, if you want to go shopping, I'll buy you two."

I don't know what hobby Lu Mu has, but he always likes to buy her clothes, or cosmetics.

When their living conditions were not good, he would buy her new clothes when the seasons changed.

Now that the living conditions are better, it is even more exaggerated.

Fortunately, he is busy with work now, otherwise he would probably have to build a cloakroom.

"Those don't work. There will be a party next Wednesday, and I need you to accompany me to participate."

Lu Mu spoke simply.

Yu Xiaowan's eyes lit up when she heard that she was going to accompany her to the party...

 Thank you book friend 002004 for the monthly pass, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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