Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 1133 Never Treated Her as a Woman

Chapter 1133 Never Treated Her as a Woman

"Yu Xiaowan, your dress is so pretty, your purse is so pretty, and your hair is so pretty today..."

"Are you trying to say that my person is also very beautiful today?"

Yu Xiaowan turned her head and asked while changing her shoes.

She and Cheng Feng have a long history of friendship, and they hung around together when they were playing games.

But at that time Yu Xiaowan was still fat, and Cheng Feng probably never thought of her as a woman.

It's the same even after losing weight.

Yu Xiaowan likes Cheng Feng like this very much, and it's easy to be with him, so the two of them never make calculations when talking.

Sure enough, Cheng Feng nodded, "Yes, she is pretty, and she is also a woman."

"Hey, I was originally a woman."

The two went out laughing.

Probably Cheng Feng really realized that Yu Xiaowan was a woman, and he was very attentive to Yu Xiaowan's side, helping to open the elevator and open the door, and even wanted to help her when she went down the steps and saw her wearing high-heeled shoes.

In case she accidentally sprained herself.

Finally arrived at the location, a private club arranged by Mr. Ma.

From a distance, Yu Xiaowan saw a man standing at the door of the clubhouse.

The afterglow of the setting sun scattered on the man's body, giving him a faint halo, which was so beautiful that it was unreal, but it couldn't stop the noble aura emanating from his body.

"Look, not only am I on time, Brother Lu Mu is even more on time than me, so he must be in a hurry."

Yu Xiaowan pursed her lips and didn't reply.

While on the road just now, she received a message from Lu Mu. She probably heard that she was on the road and came out to wait.

Cheng Feng steadily controlled the car to slow down, and slowly drove towards the hotel entrance. At this moment, a car suddenly jumped out of the slant, overtook Cheng Feng's car, and slammed on the brakes in front of the hotel.

"Fuck, don't drag me if you want to die."

Cheng Feng swears, stepped on the brake hastily, and looked at Yu Xiaowan in the back seat, "Are you all right?"

Their car was not driving fast at all, even if they braked suddenly, it was nothing.

But thanks to Cheng Feng's quick reaction, otherwise, he might have been chased after him.

"Whose car is this?"

Yu Xiaowan looked through the glass dissatisfied.

Most of the people who came here at the moment were those who attended the banquet. I heard that the people who came to this reception were all important people in the circle. How could there be such unqualified people?
The next second, when she saw a man and a woman getting off the car in front, Yu Xiaowan understood again.

Lu Mu naturally saw this scene clearly in his eyes, strode over and opened the back door of the car, he was relieved to see Yu Xiaowan sitting in the car intact, stretched out his hand in a gentlemanly manner, and Yu Xiaowan put his little hand on the back of the car. His large, well-knitted hands.

"Are you okay?"

Even though he saw someone, Lu Mu still asked with concern.

Yu Xiaowan shook her head, the corners of her lips curved slightly, "It's okay."

It is obviously the most common movements and conversations. From a distance, whether it is the tenderness in the man's eyes or the smile on the woman's lips, it makes people feel too sweet.

Seeing such a scene not far away, Wang Kexin snorted coldly, "Bitch."

Xu Hao squinted at her leisurely, "What's the matter, are you jealous?"

"I'm jealous?" Wang Kexin looked back at him, "Take care of yourself first, didn't you tell the driver to stop the car just now when you saw Lu Mu's car in front of you? Don't talk about each other, but ..."

 Thanks to Yong 逺 姷 茤 逺, book friend 153***364, the monthly ticket of Drunken Ai Hongxiu, okay.

(End of this chapter)

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