Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 1137 Right now, only by myself

Chapter 1137 Right now, only by myself

Mrs. Ma's eyes widened in surprise, and she looked at Yu Xiaowan in disbelief, "Really, why didn't I know when you still had such a beautiful and lovely child? Lao Fu, you are not mean, Xiaowan and I are not happy today. First time meeting."

The implication is that Fu Jianhai has never introduced friends like Yu Xiaowan to her.

Fu Jianhai is also a casual personality, he doesn't mind at all.

"It's too early to say this, Xiaowan sit here, don't always stand, wearing such high shoes standing tired and flustered."

Fu Jianhai pointed to the seat and said, but completely ignored that Mrs. Ma also had a pair of high-heeled shoes on her feet.

Mrs. Ma didn't mind either, she sat on the side seat with a smile and listened to Fu Jianhai's next words.

"You don't know, Xiaowan and I hit it off right away, this girl is so cute, I almost wanted to introduce her to my son and be my daughter-in-law."

"Really? You have to talk to me about it."

Mrs. Ma became interested and leaned over to ask.

"Brother Fu!"

When Yu Xiaowan heard Fu Jianhai mentioning this, she couldn't help but blushed, and reminded her in a low voice.

Fu Jianhai waved his hand, "It's okay, Mrs. Ma is not an outsider."

Then, I really told Mrs. Ma about their meeting on the train going south, and added details from time to time.

Yu Xiaowan didn't want Mrs. Ma to think that Lu Mu was such a stingy person, she would help Lu Mu to speak from time to time, but made Mrs. Ma laugh from time to time...

And all of this was seen by Wang Kexin on the other side, her long nails were almost dug into her flesh.

I couldn't help complaining to Xu Hao again.

If Xu Hao never brought her to such occasions, how could she be compared to that bumpkin Yu Xiaowan?

No matter what, her identity as the factory manager's daughter is a hundred times stronger than that of Yu Xiaowan.

This time, she really wanted to show Xu Hao well.

But everything seems to not give her a chance to show off.

The gorgeously dressed ladies were chatting with each other, and she wanted to join them too, but she felt that there was no reason to speak.

After all, it was her first time to come to such an occasion, and it was an unfamiliar face to them, which greatly suppressed her advantage.

Damn it, she should have brought Xu Yue with her if she had known earlier, so that someone would remind her of her identity.

Right now, it's up to me.


"Xiaowan, your family Lu Mu seems to be under siege."

Several people were chatting, Fu Jianhai suddenly spoke.

Yu Xiaowan followed Fu Jianhai's gaze, and sure enough, Lu Mu was surrounded by several people, and someone raised a glass and talked to him, which seemed to be letting him drink.

Mrs. Ma frowned slightly, and said in dissatisfaction, "Old Fu, you don't know Lu Mu's drinking capacity? What are you talking about to Xiaowan? Xiaowan, don't worry, it's their men's business, let's continue talking .”

"Hey, Mrs. Ma, you're talking like I'm not a man." Fu Jianhai joked.

Yu Xiaowan had already stood up at this moment, and said apologetically to Mrs. Ma, "Mrs. Ma, you talk to Brother Fu first, I'll go over and have a look."

Lu Mu had too much socializing these days, he came back drunk the night before, and didn't fall asleep for a long time in the middle of the night.

It's strange to drink so much wine into the stomach, so comfortable.

Mrs. Ma wanted to say something, but was stopped by Fu Jianhai, "Go, go."

After Yu Xiaowan left, Mrs. Ma complained to Fu Jianhai again, "What's the use of letting her go? How can she, a little girl, deal with such a thing?"

 Thank you for the 588 reward from Xiaopang Nini who loves cats, and thank you Liu Weiwei for the 2 monthly tickets, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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