Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 1151 Someone Finally Understands Himself

Chapter 1151 Someone Finally Understands Himself
Luo Qiang's words undoubtedly touched Wang Kexin's heart, which made her even more excited.

"Really, do you really think so?"

"Of course, otherwise, sister-in-law, tell yourself, how are you worse than Brother Xu? In terms of family background, your father is also the director of the factory, and in terms of your own talent, you are the accounting supervisor in the factory, and you control all the money in the factory. That ability is not inferior to men at all, is it?"

Luo Qiang persuaded with kind words, the soft music in the car slowly flowed, and the car shuttled in the dark night...

Inexplicably, Wang Ke's heart warmed, and he also felt that after so many years of hardship, someone finally understood him.


It rained for several days in a row, the air was humid and hot, and Yu Xiaowan was too lazy to go out.

And the work on Lu Mu's side finally made progress, the commercial street project was successfully won, and people became a little more relaxed.

At this time, in the small study of her home, Lin Dongyang was still a little excited holding the project agreement. After turning a few pages, he was still a little dazed when he saw the big red official seal at the end.

"Is this project in our hands?"

Behind the desk, Lu Mu leaned on the back of the chair leisurely, seeing Lin Dongyang's excited expression was also infected.

"Would you like a drink or two?"

This is indeed cause for celebration.

"Yes, of course." Lin Dongyang nodded quickly, "Lu Mu, let me tell you, I couldn't believe my ears when I heard that Zotye won the project. I feel like I'm dreaming, or you can pinch me."

Lin Dongyang stretched out his arm and looked at Lu Mu with a smile.

Lu Mu stood up but didn't really pinch him, opened the door and left the study.

Lin Dongyang glanced at the contract again, then carefully closed it, put it on the table and followed it out.

"I would like to thank Uncle Lin for being able to win this project. Without his advice, a company like Zotye would not be worth looking at."

Lu Mu took out a bottle of red wine and two wine glasses, put them on the table, and spoke quietly.

He has always positioned himself strictly, and he has a clear view of where he is.

Lin Dongyang didn't refute this time, but just sighed, "To be honest, I was kind of happy when I knew that this project was under my father's hands... After all, I know my father best. At that time, I really thought, if you If I really want this project, I might as well resign, so as not to hurt you, but my mother, she sees it better than my father."

Mentioning Wang Weikang, Lu Mu's cold eyes were stained with warmth, and the corners of his lips could not help but twitched, and it was not difficult to hear a hint of gratitude in his tone.

"Teacher Wang protects his shortcomings."

Lin Dongyang was a little proud, picked up the cup and took a sip.

"That's right, but my mother protects whoever is weak. She protected you when you were in school. Do you still remember the time when you didn't participate in school activities because you went out to work, and the head of the department did not know why. You want to punish you for being absent, my mother was our class teacher at that time, not only did the department head not punish you, but also applied for poor students for you."

Lu Mu gently shook his wine glass, and when he heard Lin Dongyang's words, some scenes appeared in front of his eyes, and he couldn't help laughing, "Of course I remember, it's rare that Teacher Wang is in a hurry."

"No, my mother is such a calm person. At that time, she was like an old hen guarding her chicks."

Lin Dongyang smiled, feeling really relieved.

Infected by his emotions, Lu Mu clinked glasses with him.

(End of this chapter)

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