Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 170 Business bragging, who wouldn't?

Chapter 170 Business bragging, who wouldn't?

Next to it is the square in front of the mall, which happens to have chairs for rest.

"Let's go, Kexin, I'll help you there."

Xu Yuechu was worried that something would happen to Wang Kexin, so he hurriedly spoke up.

Today, her good friend also refreshed her three views.

Just because she doesn't break through her disguise doesn't mean she agrees with her approach.

"But, my feet really hurt." Wang Kexin looked at Lu Mu pitifully.

Lu Mu sighed, and just about to step forward to help, Yu Xiaowan took the first step and stuffed the things in her hands into Lu Mu's arms, "I'll help Sister Yuehao to help Ms. Wang, you take things."

After speaking, she smiled and walked to Wang Kexin's side, "Miss Wang, let me help you, don't thank me too much, who made you and Lu Mu colleagues."

Yu Xiaowan smiled innocently, and Wang Kexin gritted his teeth with hatred.

Within a few minutes, Lin Dongyang arrived in a car.

Rolling down the car window, putting one hand on the car window and sticking his head out to look at several people, the first sentence he said was to Yu Xiaowan.

"Hey, fat woman, she seems to be prettier after not seeing anyone for a few days."

"Thank you, you have become handsome these days."

Yu Xiaowan replied to him indifferently, business bragging, who wouldn't?

"That's right, my young master isn't handsome at all."

Lin Dongyang combed his hair coquettishly, "Let's go, get in the car."

At the moment when Xu Yue appeared at Lin Dongyang, his eyes looked at him with sparkling eyes, even though none of his words were addressed to her, it seemed that just looking at him like this was a kind of satisfaction.

And Wang Kexin felt that she was about to suffer from angina pectoris.

Lu Mu just treats her indifferently because of his relationship with Yu Xiaowan. Why is Lin Dongyang so enthusiastic about that woman? Didn't you see her?

"Lin Dongyang, thank you for coming to pick me up."

Hearing the sound, Lin Dongyang shifted his eyes to Wang Kexin, and then exchanged eyes between Xiaowan and Wang Kexin.

"Isn't this Miss Wang? I heard you have sprained your ankle? Let's go, get in the car."

Speaking of getting in the car, he didn't even open the door of the cab.

Fortunately, Wang Kexin didn't expect Lin Dongyang to open the door for himself, and looked at Lu Mu, "Lu Mu, please help me."

Lu Mu was still carrying something in his hand, and frowned upon hearing this.

Xu Yuechu hurriedly said, "Hi Yue, I'll help you, Xiao Wan, please open the rear door for us."


Yu Xiaowan responded and helped to open the rear door. After Xu Yuechu helped Wang Kexin get into the car, she slammed the door shut.

"Fat woman, won't you come up?" Lin Dongyang asked.

"No, I still want to hang out with Lu Mu again, please take the two sisters back."

He took Lu Mu's arm intimately, and waved his little hand at the people in the car.

Lin Dongyang smiled meaningfully, honked the horn at the people under the car, and started the car directly.

When the car entered the main road, Lu Mu withdrew his gaze and asked the little girl beside him, "Where else do you want to go?"

"I didn't go anywhere, I just walked home."

The movements of his hands didn't change, he walked towards the station holding Lu Mu's arm, apparently in a good mood.

"Then why don't you take Dongzi's car back?" Lu Mu smiled.

"I don't want to sit, watching that woman physically retch."

I couldn't hold back my smile.

In the car, the moment the door was opened, Wang Kexin shook off Xu Yue's hand.

"At the beginning of the month, who is your girlfriend and which side are you on?"

Xu Yue was yelled at by Wang Ke, and looked at the man in front of him uneasily. Seeing that he was driving the car intently, he explained in a low voice, "Ke Xin, I'm not on either side."

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(End of this chapter)

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